ID: 1712.09355

On some double sums with multiplicative characters

December 26, 2017

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Character sums over elements of extensions of finite fields with restricted coordinates

September 6, 2023

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Siddharth Iyer, Igor Shparlinski
Number Theory

We obtain nontrivial bounds for character sums with multiplicative and additive characters over finite fields over elements with restricted coordinate expansion. In particular, we obtain a nontrivial estimate for such a sum over a finite field analogue of the Cantor set.

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Multiplicative Properties of Hilbert Cubes

January 3, 2022

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Igor E. Shparlinski
Number Theory

We obtain upper bounds on the cardinality of Hilbert cubes in finite fields, which avoid large product sets and reciprocals of sum sets. In particular, our results replace recent estimates of N. Hegyv\'ari and P. P. Pach (2020), which appear to be void for all admissible parameters. Our approach is different from that of N. Hegyv\'ari and P. P. Pach and is based on some well-known bounds of double character and exponential sums over arbitrary sets, due to A. A. Karatsuba (199...

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Double Sums of Kloosterman Sums in Finite Fields

March 24, 2019

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Simon Macourt, Igor E. Shparlinski
Number Theory

We bound double sums of Kloosterman sums over a finite field ${\mathbb F}_{q}$, with one or both parameters ranging over an affine space over its prime subfield ${\mathbb F}_p \subseteq {\mathbb F}_{q} $. These are finite fields analogues of a series of recent results by various authors in finite fields and residue rings. Our results are based on recent advances in additive combinatorics in arbitrary finite field.

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Extremal problems and the combinatorics of sumsets

October 27, 2023

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Melvyn B. Nathanson
Number Theory

This is a survey of old and new problems and results in additive number theory.

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A note on the binary additive divisor problem

December 4, 2016

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Olga Balkanova, Dmitry Frolenkov
Number Theory

In this note we show that the methods of Motohashi and Meurman yield the same upper bound on the error term in the binary additive divisor problem. With this goal, we improve an estimate in the proof of Motohashi.

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Conditional expanding bounds for two-variables functions over prime fields

September 29, 2013

81% Match
Norbert Hegyvári, François Hennecart
Number Theory

In this paper we provide in $\bFp$ expanding lower bounds for two variables functions $f(x,y)$ in connection with the product set or the sumset. The sum-product problem has been hugely studied in the recent past. A typical result in $\bFp^*$ is the existenceness of $\Delta(\alpha)>0$ such that if $|A|\asymp p^{\alpha}$ then $$ \max(|A+A|,|A\cdot A|)\gg |A|^{1+\Delta(\alpha)}, $$ Our aim is to obtain analogous results for related pairs of two-variable functions $f(x,y)$ and $g...

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On sets with small additive doubling in product sets

February 12, 2015

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Dmitry Zhelezov
Number Theory

Following the sum-product paradigm, we prove that for a set $B$ with polynomial growth, the product set $B.B$ cannot contain large subsets with size of order $|B|^2$ with small doubling. It follows that the additive energy of $B.B$ is asymptotically $o(|B|^6)$. In particular, we extend to sets of small doubling and polynomial growth the classical Multiplication Table theorem of Erd\H{o}s saying that $|[1..n]. [1..n]| = o(n^2)$.

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Sumsets and entropy revisited

June 23, 2023

81% Match
Ben Green, Freddie Manners, Terence Tao
Number Theory

The entropic doubling $\sigma_{\operatorname{ent}}[X]$ of a random variable $X$ taking values in an abelian group $G$ is a variant of the notion of the doubling constant $\sigma[A]$ of a finite subset $A$ of $G$, but it enjoys somewhat better properties; for instance, it contracts upon applying a homomorphism. In this paper we develop further the theory of entropic doubling and give various applications, including: (1) A new proof of a result of P\'alv\"olgyi and Zhelezov...

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Large sumsets from small subsets

April 15, 2022

81% Match
Bela Bollobas, Imre Leader, Marius Tiba

In this paper we start to investigate a new body of questions in additive combinatorics. The fundamental Cauchy--Davenport theorem gives a lower bound on the size of a sumset A+B for subsets of the cyclic group Zp of order p (p prime), and this is just one example of a large family of results. Our aim in this paper is to investigate what happens if we restrict the number of elements of one set that we may use to form the sums. Here is the question we set out to answer: given ...

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On Bilinear Exponential and Character Sums with Reciprocals of Polynomials

April 13, 2015

81% Match
Igor E. Shparlinski
Number Theory

We give nontrivial bounds for the bilinear sums $$ \sum_{u = 1}^{U} \sum_{v=1}^V \alpha_u \beta_v \mathbf{\,e}_p(u/f(v)) $$ where $\mathbf{\,e}_p(z)$ is a nontrivial additive character of the prime finite field ${\mathbb F}_p$ of $p$ elements, with integers $U$, $V$, a polynomial $f\in {\mathbb F}_p[X] $ and some complex weights $\{\alpha_u\}$, $\{\beta_v\}$. In particular, for $f(X)=aX+b$ we obtain new bounds of bilinear sums with Kloosterman fractions. We also obtain new bo...

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