ID: 1808.04135

A dessin on the base: a description of mutually non-local 7-branes without using branch cuts

August 13, 2018

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Exotic matter on singular divisors in F-theory

June 26, 2017

82% Match
Denis Klevers, David R. Morrison, ... , Taylor Washington
High Energy Physics - Theory

We analyze exotic matter representations that arise on singular seven-brane configurations in F-theory. We develop a general framework for analyzing such representations, and work out explicit descriptions for models with matter in the 2-index and 3-index symmetric representations of SU($N$) and SU(2) respectively, associated with double and triple point singularities in the seven-brane locus. These matter representations are associated with Weierstrass models whose discrimin...

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The Geometry of G$_2$, Spin(7), and Spin(8)-models

September 14, 2017

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Mboyo Esole, Ravi Jagadeesan, Monica Jinwoo Kang
Algebraic Geometry

We study the geometry of elliptic fibrations given by Weierstrass models resulting from Step 6 of Tate's algorithm. Such elliptic fibrations have a discriminant locus containing an irreducible component $S$, over which the generic fiber is of Kodaira type I$^*_0$. In string geometry, these geometries are used to geometrically engineer G$_2$, Spin($7$), and Spin($8$) gauge theories. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of crepant resolutions. When they exist, we giv...

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TASI Lectures on F-theory

June 5, 2018

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Timo Weigand
Algebraic Geometry

F-theory is perhaps the most general currently available approach to study non-perturbative string compactifications in their geometric, large radius regime. It opens up a wide and ever-growing range of applications and connections to string model building, quantum gravity, (non-perturbative) quantum field theories in various dimensions and mathematics. Its computational power derives from the geometrisation of physical reasoning, establishing a deep correspondence between fu...

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Matrix Factorizations for Local F-Theory Models

February 2, 2016

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Harun Omer
High Energy Physics - Theory

I use matrix factorizations to describe branes at simple singularities as they appear in elliptic fibrations of local F-theory models. Each node of the corresponding Dynkin diagrams of the ADE-type singularities is associated with one indecomposable matrix factorization which can be deformed into one or more factorizations of lower rank. Branes with internal fluxes arise naturally as bound states of the indecomposable factorizations. Describing branes in such a way avoids the...

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On Local F-theory Geometries and Intersecting D7-branes

February 6, 2009

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Rachid Ahl Laamara, Adil Belhaj, ... , Segui Antonio
High Energy Physics - Theory

We discuss local F-theory geometries and theirs gauge theory dualities in terms of intersecting D7-branes wrapped four-cycles in Type IIB superstring. The manifolds are built as elliptic K3 surface fibrations over intersecting F_0=CP^1 \times CP^1 base geometry according to ADE Dynkin Diagrams. The base is obtained by blowing up the extended ADE hyper-Kahler singularities of eight dimensional manifolds considered as sigma model target spaces with eight supercharges. The resul...

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From F/M-theory to K-theory and back

October 10, 2005

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Inaki Garcia-Etxebarria, Angel M. Uranga
High Energy Physics - Theory

We consider discrete K-theory tadpole cancellation conditions in type IIB orientifolds with magnetised 7-branes. Cancellation of K-theory charge constrains the choices of world-volume magnetic fluxes on the latter. We describe the F-/M-theory lift of these configurations, where 7-branes are encoded in the geometry of an elliptic fibration, and their magnetic quanta correspond to supergravity 4-form field strength fluxes. In a K3 compactification example, we show that standard...

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A New Model for Elliptic Fibrations with a Rank One Mordell-Weil Group: I. Singular Fibers and Semi-Stable Degenerations

September 30, 2014

81% Match
Mboyo Esole, Monica Jinwoo Kang, Shing-Tung Yau
Algebraic Geometry

We introduce a new model for elliptic fibrations endowed with a Mordell-Weil group of rank one. We call it a Q$_7(\mathscr{L},\mathscr{S})$ model. It naturally generalizes several previous models of elliptic fibrations popular in the F-theory literature. The model is also explicitly smooth, thus relevant physical quantities can be computed in terms of topological invariants in straight manner. Since the general fiber is defined by a cubic curve, basic arithmetic operations ...

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D-branes on Singularities: New Quivers from Old

December 7, 2000

81% Match
David Berenstein, Vishnu Jejjala, Robert G. Leigh
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we present simplifying techniques which allow one to compute the quiver diagrams for various D-branes at (non-Abelian) orbifold singularities with and without discrete torsion. The main idea behind the construction is to take the orbifold of an orbifold. Many interesting discrete groups fit into an exact sequence $N\to G\to G/N$. As such, the orbifold $M/G$ is easier to compute as $(M/N)/(G/N)$ and we present graphical rules which allow fast computation given th...

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D-branes and K-theory in 2D topological field theory

September 5, 2006

81% Match
Gregory W. Moore, Graeme Segal
High Energy Physics - Theory

This expository paper describes sewing conditions in two-dimensional open/closed topological field theory. We include a description of the G-equivariant case, where G is a finite group. We determine the category of boundary conditions in the case that the closed string algebra is semisimple. In this case we find that sewing constraints -- the most primitive form of worldsheet locality -- already imply that D-branes are (G-twisted) vector bundles on spacetime. We comment on ex...

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$\mathbb{P}^1$-fibrations in F-theory and String Dualities

September 23, 2021

80% Match
Lara B. Anderson, James Gray, Mohsen Karkheiran, ... , Raghuram Nikhil
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this work we study F-theory compactifications on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau n-folds which have $\mathbb{P}^1$-fibered base manifolds. Such geometries, which we study in both 4- and 6-dimensions, are both ubiquitous within the set of Calabi-Yau manifolds and play a crucial role in heterotic/F-theory duality. We discuss the most general formulation of $\mathbb{P}^1$-bundles of this type, as well as fibrations which degenerate at higher codimension loci. In the course of...

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