ID: 1808.04135

A dessin on the base: a description of mutually non-local 7-branes without using branch cuts

August 13, 2018

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Shin Fukuchi, Naoto Kan, Shun'ya Mizoguchi, Hitomi Tashiro
High Energy Physics - Theory

We consider the special roles of the zero loci of the Weierstrass invariants $g_2(\tau(z))$, $g_3(\tau(z))$ in F-theory on an elliptic fibration over $P^1$ or a further fibration thereof. They are defined as the zero loci of the coefficient functions $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ of a Weierstrass equation. They are thought of as complex co-dimension one objects and correspond to the two kinds of critical points of a dessin d'enfant of Grothendieck. The $P^1$ base is divided into several cell regions bounded by some domain walls extending from these planes and D-branes, on which the imaginary part of the $J$-function vanishes. This amounts to drawing a dessin with a canonical triangulation. We show that the dessin provides a new way of keeping track of mutual non-localness among 7-branes without employing unphysical branch cuts or their base point. With the dessin we can see that weak- and strong-coupling regions coexist and are located across an $S$-wall from each other. We also present a simple method for computing a monodromy matrix for an arbitrary path by tracing the walls it goes through.

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More on a dessin on the base: Kodaira exceptional fibers and mutually (non-)local branes

December 6, 2019

90% Match
Shin Fukuchi, Naoto Kan, Rinto Kuramochi, ... , Tashiro Hitomi
High Energy Physics - Theory

A "dessin d'enfant" is a graph embedded on a two-dimensional oriented surface named by Grothendieck. Recently we have developed a new way to keep track of non-localness among 7-branes in F-theory on an elliptic fibration over $P^1$ by drawing a triangulated "dessin" on the base. To further demonstrate the usefulness of this method, we provide three examples of its use. We first consider a deformation of the $I_0^*$ Kodaira fiber. With a dessin, we can immediately find out whi...

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$6$D Anomaly-Free Matter Spectrum in F-theory on Singular Spaces

October 13, 2021

85% Match
Antonella Grassi, James Halverson, Cody Long, Julius L. Shaneson, ... , Tian Jiahua
Algebraic Geometry
Geometric Topology

In this paper we study the 6d localized charged matter spectrum of F-theory directly on a singular elliptic Calabi-Yau 3-fold, i.e. without smoothing via resolution or deformation of the entire fibration. Given only the base surface, discriminant locus, and the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ local system, we propose a general prescription for determining the charged matter spectrum localized at intersections of seven-branes, using the technology of string junctions. More precisely, at ea...

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Strong Coupling in F-theory and Geometrically Non-Higgsable Seven-branes

March 4, 2016

84% Match
James Halverson
High Energy Physics - Theory

Geometrically non-Higgsable seven-branes carry gauge sectors that cannot be broken by complex structure deformation, and there is growing evidence that such configurations are typical in F-theory. We study strongly coupled physics associated with these branes. Axiodilaton profiles are computed using Ramanujan's theories of elliptic functions to alternative bases, showing explicitly that the string coupling is order one in the vicinity of the brane; that it sources nilpotent $...

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D7-Brane Motion from M-Theory Cycles and Obstructions in the Weak Coupling Limit

January 14, 2008

84% Match
A. P. Braun, A. Hebecker, H. Triendl
High Energy Physics - Theory

Motivated by the desire to do proper model building with D7-branes and fluxes, we study the motion of D7-branes on a Calabi-Yau orientifold from the perspective of F-theory. We consider this approach promising since, by working effectively with an elliptically fibred M-theory compactification, the explicit positioning of D7-branes by (M-theory) fluxes is straightforward. The locations of D7-branes are encoded in the periods of certain M-theory cycles, which allows for a very ...

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D7-Brane Moduli vs. F-Theory Cycles in Elliptically Fibred Threefolds

December 8, 2009

84% Match
Andreas P. Braun, Sebastian Gerigk, ... , Triendl Hagen
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study the space of geometric and open string moduli of type IIB compactifications from the perspective of complex structure deformations of F-theory. In order to find a correspondence, we work in the weak coupling limit and for simplicity focus on compactifications to 6 dimensions. Starting from the topology of D7-branes and O7-planes, we construct the 3-cycles of the F-theory threefold. We achieve complete agreement between the degrees of freedom of the Weierstrass model ...

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F-Theory and the Landscape of Intersecting D7-Branes

March 25, 2010

83% Match
A. P. Braun
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this work, the moduli of D7-branes in type IIB orientifold compactifications and their stabilization by fluxes is studied from the perspective of F-theory. In F-theory, the moduli of the D7-branes and the moduli of the orientifold are unified in the moduli space of an elliptic Calabi-Yau manifold. This makes it possible to study the flux stabilization of D7-branes in an elegant manner. To answer phenomenological questions, one has to translate the deformations of the ellip...

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Jiakang Bao, Yang-Hui He, Ali Zahabi
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number Theory

We provide a unified framework of Mahler measure, dessins d'enfants, and gauge theory. With certain physically motivated Newton polynomials from reflexive polygons, the Mahler measure and the dessin are in one-to-one correspondence. From the Mahler measure, one can construct a Hauptmodul for a congruence subgroup of the modular group, which contains the subgroup associated to the dessin. In brane tilings and quiver gauge theories, the modular Mahler flow gives a natural resol...

New Orientifold Weak Coupling Limits in F-theory

August 11, 2009

83% Match
Paolo Aluffi, Mboyo Esole
Algebraic Geometry

We present new explicit constructions of weak coupling limits of F-theory generalizing Sen's construction to elliptic fibrations which are not necessary given in a Weierstrass form. These new constructions allow for an elegant derivation of several brane configurations that do not occur within the original framework of Sen's limit, or which would require complicated geometric tuning or break supersymmetry. Our approach is streamlined by first deriving a simple geometric inter...

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Geometry and Topology of String Junctions

October 24, 2014

82% Match
Antonella Grassi, James Halverson, Julius L. Shaneson
Algebraic Geometry
Geometric Topology

We study elliptic fibrations by analyzing suitable deformations of the fibrations and vanishing cycles. We introduce geometric string junctions and describe some of their properties. We show how the structure of the geometric string junctions is naturally related to the Lie algebra structures of the associated singularities. One application in physics is in F-theory, where our novel approach connecting deformations and Lie algebras describes the structure of generalized type ...

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D5 elliptic fibrations: non-Kodaira fibers and new orientifold limits of F-theory

October 27, 2011

82% Match
Mboyo Esole, James Fullwood, Shing-Tung Yau
Algebraic Geometry

A D5 elliptic fibration is a fibration whose generic fiber is modeled by the complete intersection of two quadric surfaces in P3. They provide simple examples of elliptic fibrations admitting a rich spectrum of singular fibers (not all on the list of Kodaira) without introducing singularities in the total space of the fibration and therefore avoiding a discussion of their resolutions. We study systematically the fiber geometry of such fibrations using Segre symbols and comput...

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