ID: 1903.03807

Non-reciprocal robotic metamaterials

March 9, 2019

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Adaptive nonreciprocal wave attenuation in linear piezoelectric metastructures shunted with one-way electrical transmission lines

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Yisheng Zheng, Junxian Zhang, ... , Meng Guang
Applied Physics

In contrary to elastic media, it is easy to attain one-way coupling feature among electrical elements, which enables unidirectional transmission of electrical wave. In this paper, we explore and exploit the interaction of a piezoelectric beam with a one-way electrical transmission line to facilitate nonreciprocal transmission of elastic wave in the linear fashion. Theoretical dispersion analysis and numerical simulations are performed to reveal transmission behaviors of elast...

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Intrinsic Rippling Enhances Static Non-Reciprocity in Graphene Metamaterials

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Duc Tam Ho, Harold Park, Sung Youb Kim
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In mechanical systems, Maxwell-Betti reciprocity means that the displacement at point B in response to a force at point A is the same as the displacement at point A in response to the same force applied at point B. Because the notion of reciprocity is general, fundamental, and is operant for other physical systems like electromagnetics, acoustics, and optics, there is significant interest in understanding systems that are not reciprocal, or exhibit non-reciprocity. However, m...

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Nonlinear waves in flexible mechanical metamaterials

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Flexible mechanical metamaterials are compliant structures engineered to achieve unique properties via the large deformation of their components. While their static character has been studied extensively, the study of their dynamic properties is still at an early stage, especially in the nonlinear regime induced by their high deformability. Nevertheless, recent studies show that these systems provide new opportunities for the control of large amplitude elastic waves. Here, we...

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Synthetically Non-Hermitian Nonlinear Wave-like Behavior in a Topological Mechanical Metamaterial

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Haning Xiu, Ian Frankel, Harry Liu, Kai Qian, Siddhartha Sarkar, Brianna C. Macnider, Zi Chen, ... , Mao Xiaoming
Soft Condensed Matter
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Topological mechanical metamaterials have enabled new ways to control stress and deformation propagation. Exemplified by Maxwell lattices, they have been studied extensively using a linearized formalism. Herein, we study a two-dimensional topological Maxwell lattice by exploring its large deformation quasi-static response using geometric numerical simulations and experiments. We observe spatial nonlinear wave-like phenomena such as harmonic generation, localized domain switch...

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Pathway towards programmable wave anisotropy in cellular metamaterials

February 14, 2018

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Paolo Celli, Weiting Zhang, Stefano Gonella
Applied Physics
Materials Science

In this work, we provide a proof-of-concept experimental demonstration of the wave control capabilities of cellular metamaterials endowed with populations of tunable electromechanical resonators. Each independently tunable resonator comprises a piezoelectric patch and a resistor-inductor shunt, and its resonant frequency can be seamlessly re-programmed without interfering with the cellular structure's default properties. We show that, by strategically placing the resonators i...

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Non-reciprocal Radio Frequency Transduction in a Parametric Mechanical Artificial Lattice

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Pu Huang, Liang Zhang, Jingwei Zhou, Tian Tian, Peiran Yin, ... , Du Jiangfeng
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Materials Science

Generating non-reciprocal radio frequency transduction plays important roles in a wide range of research and applications, and an aspiration is to integrate this functionality into micro-circuit without introducing magnetic field, which, however, remains challenging. By designing a 1D artificial lattice structure with neighbor-interaction engineered parametrically, we predicted a non-reciprocity transduction with giant unidirectionality. We then experimentally demonstrated th...

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All-Passive Nonreciprocal Metasurface

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Ahmed M. Mahmoud, Arthur R. Davoyan, Nader Engheta

We introduce a systematic approach to design all-passive subwavelength high performance metasurfaces that exhibit nonreciprocal properties and achieve wave-flow isolation. Moreover we build upon those findings and propose a new paradigm for a quasi-2D metasurface that mimic the nonreciprocal property of Faraday rotation without using any magnetic or electric biasing. We envision that the proposed approaches may serve as a building block for all-passive time-reversal symmetry ...

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Realization of active metamaterials with odd micropolar elasticity

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Yangyang Chen, Xiaopeng Li, Colin Scheibner, ... , Huang Guoliang
Applied Physics
Soft Condensed Matter

Materials made from active, living, or robotic components can display emergent properties arising from local sensing and computation. Here, we realize a freestanding active metabeam with piezoelectric elements and electronic feed-forward control that gives rise to an odd micropolar elasticity absent in energy-conserving media. The non-reciprocal odd modulus enables bending and shearing cycles that convert electrical energy into mechanical work, and vice versa. The sign of thi...

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Programming Soft Robots with Flexible Mechanical Metamaterials

June 2, 2019

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Ahmad Rafsanjani, Katia Bertoldi, André R. Studart
Soft Condensed Matter
Materials Science

The complex behavior of highly deformable mechanical metamaterials can substantially enhance the performance of soft robots.

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Nonreciprocity in Bianisotropic Systems with Uniform Time Modulation

January 7, 2020

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Xuchen Wang, Grigorii Ptitcyn, Ana Díaz-Rubio, Viktar S. Asadchy, Mohammad Sajjad Mirmoosa, ... , Tretyakov Sergei A.
Applied Physics

Physical systems with material properties modulated in time provide versatile routes for designing magnetless nonreciprocal devices. Traditionally, nonreciprocity in such systems is achieved exploiting both temporal and spatial modulations, which inevitably requires a series of time-modulated elements distributed in space. In this paper, we introduce a concept of bianisotropic time-modulated systems capable of nonreciprocal wave propagation at the fundamental frequency and ba...

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