ID: 1907.02095

Understanding Phase Transitions via Mutual Information and MMSE

July 3, 2019

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Galen Reeves, Henry Pfister
Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

The ability to understand and solve high-dimensional inference problems is essential for modern data science. This article examines high-dimensional inference problems through the lens of information theory and focuses on the standard linear model as a canonical example that is both rich enough to be practically useful and simple enough to be studied rigorously. In particular, this model can exhibit phase transitions where an arbitrarily small change in the model parameters can induce large changes in the quality of estimates. For this model, the performance of optimal inference can be studied using the replica method from statistical physics but, until recently, it was not known if the resulting formulas were actually correct. In this chapter, we present a tutorial description of the standard linear model and its connection to information theory. We also describe the replica prediction for this model and outline the authors' recent proof that it is exact.

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High-dimensional inference: a statistical mechanics perspective

October 28, 2020

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Jean Barbier
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics
Information Theory
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Information Theory

Statistical inference is the science of drawing conclusions about some system from data. In modern signal processing and machine learning, inference is done in very high dimension: very many unknown characteristics about the system have to be deduced from a lot of high-dimensional noisy data. This "high-dimensional regime" is reminiscent of statistical mechanics, which aims at describing the macroscopic behavior of a complex system based on the knowledge of its microscopic in...

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Optimal Errors and Phase Transitions in High-Dimensional Generalized Linear Models

August 10, 2017

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Jean Barbier, Florent Krzakala, Nicolas Macris, ... , Zdeborová Lenka

Generalized linear models (GLMs) arise in high-dimensional machine learning, statistics, communications and signal processing. In this paper we analyze GLMs when the data matrix is random, as relevant in problems such as compressed sensing, error-correcting codes or benchmark models in neural networks. We evaluate the mutual information (or "free entropy") from which we deduce the Bayes-optimal estimation and generalization errors. Our analysis applies to the high-dimensional...

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Mutual information for symmetric rank-one matrix estimation: A proof of the replica formula

June 13, 2016

89% Match
Jean Barbier, Mohamad Dia, Nicolas Macris, Florent Krzakala, ... , Zdeborova Lenka
Information Theory
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Machine Learning
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics

Factorizing low-rank matrices has many applications in machine learning and statistics. For probabilistic models in the Bayes optimal setting, a general expression for the mutual information has been proposed using heuristic statistical physics computations, and proven in few specific cases. Here, we show how to rigorously prove the conjectured formula for the symmetric rank-one case. This allows to express the minimal mean-square-error and to characterize the detectability p...

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Fundamental Limits of PhaseMax for Phase Retrieval: A Replica Analysis

August 10, 2017

88% Match
Oussama Dhifallah, Yue M. Lu
Information Theory
Information Theory

We consider a recently proposed convex formulation, known as the PhaseMax method, for solving the phase retrieval problem. Using the replica method from statistical mechanics, we analyze the performance of PhaseMax in the high-dimensional limit. Our analysis predicts the \emph{exact} asymptotic performance of PhaseMax. In particular, we show that a sharp phase transition phenomenon takes place, with a simple analytical formula characterizing the phase transition boundary. Thi...

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Statistical Mechanics of High-Dimensional Inference

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To model modern large-scale datasets, we need efficient algorithms to infer a set of $P$ unknown model parameters from $N$ noisy measurements. What are fundamental limits on the accuracy of parameter inference, given finite signal-to-noise ratios, limited measurements, prior information, and computational tractability requirements? How can we combine prior information with measurements to achieve these limits? Classical statistics gives incisive answers to these questions as ...

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Replica Analysis for Generalized Linear Regression with IID Row Prior

September 25, 2021

88% Match
Qiuyun Zou, Hongwen Yang
Information Theory
Information Theory

Different from a typical independent identically distributed (IID) element assumption, this paper studies the estimation of IID row random matrix for the generalized linear model constructed by a linear mixing space and a row-wise mapping channel. The objective inference problem arises in many engineering fields, such as wireless communications, compressed sensing, and phase retrieval. We apply the replica method from statistical mechanics to analyze the exact minimum mean sq...

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Statistical Physics of Signal Estimation in Gaussian Noise: Theory and Examples of Phase Transitions

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87% Match
Neri Shitz Merhav, Dongning Shitz Guo, Shlomo Shitz Shamai
Information Theory
Information Theory

We consider the problem of signal estimation (denoising) from a statistical mechanical perspective, using a relationship between the minimum mean square error (MMSE), of estimating a signal, and the mutual information between this signal and its noisy version. The paper consists of essentially two parts. In the first, we derive several statistical-mechanical relationships between a few important quantities in this problem area, such as the MMSE, the differential entropy, the ...

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Mean-field methods and algorithmic perspectives for high-dimensional machine learning

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Benjamin Aubin
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Machine Learning

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The Mutual Information in Random Linear Estimation

July 8, 2016

87% Match
Jean Barbier, Mohamad Dia, ... , Krzakala Florent
Information Theory
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics

We consider the estimation of a signal from the knowledge of its noisy linear random Gaussian projections, a problem relevant in compressed sensing, sparse superposition codes or code division multiple access just to cite few. There has been a number of works considering the mutual information for this problem using the heuristic replica method from statistical physics. Here we put these considerations on a firm rigorous basis. First, we show, using a Guerra-type interpolatio...

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