July 6, 2019
Similar papers 2
February 3, 2005
We address the practical problems of estimating the information relations that characterize large networks. Building on methods developed for analysis of the neural code, we show that reliable estimates of mutual information can be obtained with manageable computational effort. The same methods allow estimation of higher order, multi--information terms. These ideas are illustrated by analyses of gene expression, financial markets, and consumer preferences. In each case, infor...
December 30, 2014
Life depends as much on the flow of information as on the flow of energy. Here we review the many efforts to make this intuition precise. Starting with the building blocks of information theory, we explore examples where it has been possible to measure, directly, the flow of information in biological networks, or more generally where information theoretic ideas have been used to guide the analysis of experiments. Systems of interest range from single molecules (the sequence d...
October 30, 2020
In computer science, we can theoretically neatly separate transmission and processing of information, hardware and software, and programs and their inputs. This is much more intricate in biology, Nevertheless, I argue that Shannon's concept of information is useful in biology, although its application is not as straightforward as many people think. In fact, the recently developed theory of information decomposition can shed much light on the complementarity between coding and...
February 28, 2019
How do organisms recognize their environment by acquiring knowledge about the world, and what actions do they take based on this knowledge? This article examines hypotheses about organisms' adaptation to the environment from machine learning, information-theoretic, and thermodynamic perspectives. We start with constructing a hierarchical model of the world as an internal model in the brain, and review standard machine learning methods to infer causes by approximately learning...
October 19, 2022
Artificial and biological neural networks (ANNs and BNNs) can encode inputs in the form of combinations of individual neurons' activities. These combinatorial neural codes present a computational challenge for direct and efficient analysis due to their high dimensionality and often large volumes of data. Here we improve the computational complexity -- from factorial to quadratic time -- of direct algebraic methods previously applied to small examples and apply them to large n...
June 7, 2004
We define the concept of dependence among multiple variables using maximum entropy techniques and introduce a graphical notation to denote the dependencies. Direct inference of information theoretic quantities from data uncovers dependencies even in undersampled regimes when the joint probability distribution cannot be reliably estimated. The method is tested on synthetic data. We anticipate it to be useful for inference of genetic circuits and other biological signaling netw...
May 13, 2018
As deep neural networks grow in size, from thousands to millions to billions of weights, the performance of those networks becomes limited by our ability to accurately train them. A common naive question arises: if we have a system with billions of degrees of freedom, don't we also need billions of samples to train it? Of course, the success of deep learning indicates that reliable models can be learned with reasonable amounts of data. Similar questions arise in protein foldi...
June 10, 2020
The problem of inferring pair-wise and higher-order interactions in complex systems involving large numbers of interacting variables, from observational data, is fundamental to many fields. Known to the statistical physics community as the inverse problem, it has become accessible in recent years due to real and simulated 'big' data being generated. Current approaches to the inverse problem rely on parametric assumptions, physical approximations, e.g. mean-field theory, and i...
March 12, 2011
Bayesian maxent lets one integrate thermal physics and information theory points of view in the quantitative study of complex systems. Since net surprisal (a free energy analog for measuring "departures from expected") allows one to place second law constraints on mutual information (a multi-moment measure of correlations), it makes a quantitative case for the role of reversible thermalization in the natural history of invention, and suggests multiscale strategies to monitor ...
February 27, 2013
Context dependence is central to the description of complexity. Keying on the pairwise definition of "set complexity" we use an information theory approach to formulate general measures of systems complexity. We examine the properties of multi-variable dependency starting with the concept of interaction information. We then present a new measure for unbiased detection of multi-variable dependency, "differential interaction information." This quantity for two variables reduces...