ID: 1910.05593

Fano Schemes of Complete Intersections in Toric Varieties

October 12, 2019

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Classifying Fano Complexity-One $T$-Varieties via Divisorial Polytopes

October 11, 2017

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Nathan Ilten, Marni Mishna, Charlotte Trainor
Algebraic Geometry

The correspondence between Gorenstein Fano toric varieties and reflexive polytopes has been generalized by Ilten and S\"u{\ss} to a correspondence between Gorenstein Fano complexity-one $T$-varieties and Fano divisorial polytopes. Motivated by the finiteness of reflexive polytopes in fixed dimension, we show that over a fixed base polytope, there are only finitely many Fano divisorial polytopes, up to equivalence. We classify two-dimensional Fano divisorial polytopes, recover...

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Toric Fano varieties and birational morphisms

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Cinzia Casagrande
Algebraic Geometry

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Fano Schemes of Lines on Toric Surfaces

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Nathan Ilten
Algebraic Geometry

We completely describe the Fano scheme of lines for a projective toric surface in terms of the geometry of the corresponding lattice polygon.

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Lines, conics, and all that

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Ciro Ciliberto, Mikhail Zaidenberg
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This is a survey on the Fano schemes of linear spaces, conics, rational curves, and curves of higher genera in smooth projective hypersurfaces, complete intersections, Fano threefolds, etc.

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Toward the classification of higher-dimensional toric Fano varieties

November 3, 1999

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Hiroshi Sato
Algebraic Geometry

The purpose of this paper is to give basic tools for the classification of nonsingular toric Fano varieties by means of the notions of primitive collections and primitive relations due to Batyrev. By using them we can easily deal with equivariant blow-ups and blow-downs, and get an easy criterion to determine whether a given nonsingular toric variety is a Fano variety or not. As applications of these results, we get a toric version of a theorem of Mori, and can classify, in p...

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On Fano complete intersections in rational homogeneous varieties

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Chenyu Bai, Baohua Fu, Laurent Manivel
Algebraic Geometry

Complete intersections inside rational homogeneous varieties provide interesting examples of Fano manifolds. For example, if $X = \cap_{i=1}^r D_i \subset G/P$ is a general complete intersection of $r$ ample divisors such that $K_{G/P}^* \otimes \mathcal{O}_{G/P}(-\sum_i D_i)$ is ample, then $X$ is Fano. We first classify these Fano complete intersections which are locally rigid. It turns out that most of them are hyperplane sections. We then classify general hyperplane secti...

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Codimension Theorems for Complete Toric Varieties

October 8, 2003

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David Cox, Alicia Dickenstein
Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra

Let X be a complete toric variety with homogeneous coordinate ring S. In this article, we compute upper and lower bounds for the codimension in the critical degree of ideals of S generated by dim(X)+1 homogeneous polynomials that don't vanish simultaneously on X.

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On the geometry of complete intersection toric varieties

October 20, 2004

85% Match
Nickolas Michelacakis, Apostolos Thoma
Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra

In this paper we give a geometric characterization of the cones of toric varieties that are complete intersections. In particular, we prove that the class of complete intersection cones is the smallest class of cones which is closed under direct sum and contains all simplex cones. Further, we show that the number of the extreme rays of such a cone, which is less than or equal to $2n-2$, is exactly $2n-2$ if and only if the cone is a bipyramidal cone, where $n>1$ is the dimens...

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Birational Geometry of Toric Varieties

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Edilaine Ervilha Nobili
Algebraic Geometry

Toric geometry provides a bridge between algebraic geometry and combinatorics of fans and polytopes. For each polarized toric variety (X,L) we have associated a polytope P. In this thesis we use this correspondence to study birational geometry for toric varieties. To this end, we address subjects such as Minimal Model Program, Mori fiber spaces, and chamber structures on the cone of effective divisors. We translate some results from these theories to the combinatorics of poly...

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A characterization of Gorenstein toric Fano $n$-folds with index $n$ and Fujita's conjecture

April 28, 2014

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Shoetsu Ogata, Huai-Liang Zhao
Algebraic Geometry

We give a characterization of Gorenstein toric Fano varieties of dimension $n$ with index $n$ among toric varieties. As an application, we give a strong version of Fujita's freeness conjecture and also give a simple proof of Fujita's very ampleness conjecture on Gorenstein toric varieties.

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