June 30, 2020
Similar papers 2
June 3, 1996
It is argued that quantum gravity has an interpretation as a topological field theory provided a certain constraint from the path intergral measure is respected. The constraint forces us to couple gauge and matter fields to gravity for space - time dimensions different from 3. We then discuss possible models which may be relevant to our universe.
December 31, 2019
We systematically study Lorentz symmetry extensions in quantum field theories (QFTs) and their 't Hooft anomalies via cobordism. The total symmetry $G'$ can be expressed in terms of the extension of Lorentz symmetry $G_L$ by an internal global symmetry $G$ as $1 \to G \to G' \to G_L \to 1$. By enumerating all possible $G_L$ and symmetry extensions, other than the familiar SO/Spin/O/Pin$^{\pm}$ groups, we introduce a new EPin group (in contrast to DPin), and provide natural ph...
January 6, 2021
We show that certain global anomalies can be detected in an elementary fashion by analyzing the way the symmetry algebra is realized on the torus Hilbert space of the anomalous theory. Distinct anomalous behaviours imprinted in the Hilbert space are identified with the distinct cohomology "layers" that appear in the classification of anomalies in terms of cobordism groups. We illustrate the manifestation of the layers in the Hilbert for a variety of anomalous symmetries and s...
March 7, 2013
In this paper, we systematically study gauge anomalies in bosonic and fermionic weak-coupling gauge theories with gauge group G (which can be continuous or discrete). We show a very close relation between gauge anomalies and symmetry-protected trivial (SPT) orders [also known as symmetry-protected topological (SPT) orders] in one-higher dimensions. Using such an idea, we argue that, in d space-time dimensions, the gauge anomalies are described by the elements in Free[H^{d+1}(...
February 17, 2014
Motivated by the observation that the Standard Model of particle physics (plus a right-handed neutrino) has precisely 16 Weyl fermions per generation, we search for $(3+1)$-dimensional chiral fermionic theories and chiral gauge theories that can be regularized on a 3 dimensional spatial lattice when and only when the number of flavors is an integral multiple of 16. All these results are based on the observation that local interactions reduce the classification of certain $(4+...
December 31, 2019
We explore QCD$_4$ quark matter, the $\mu$-T (chemical potential-temperature) phase diagram, possible 't Hooft anomalies, and topological terms, via non-perturbative tools of cobordism theory and higher anomaly matching. We focus on quarks in 3-color and 3-flavor on bi-fundamentals of SU(3), then analyze the continuous and discrete global symmetries and pay careful attention to finite group sectors. We input constraints from $T=CP$ or $CT$ time-reversal symmetries, implementi...
April 5, 2022
We give a pedagogical introduction to quantum anomalies, how they are calculated using various methods, and why they are important in condensed matter theory. We discuss axial, chiral, and gravitational anomalies as well as global anomalies. We illustrate the theory with examples such as quantum Hall liquids, Fermi liquids, Weyl semi-metals, topological insulators and topological superconductors. The required background is basic knowledge of quantum field theory, including fe...
June 30, 2021
Standard lore views our 4d quantum vacuum governed by one of the candidate Standard Models (SMs), while lifting towards some Grand Unification-like structure (GUT) at higher energy scales. In contrast, in our work, we introduce an alternative view that the SM arises from various neighbor vacua competition in a quantum phase diagram. In general, we regard the SM arising near the gapless quantum criticality (either critical points or critical regions) between the competing neig...
May 22, 2019
It is customary to couple a quantum system to external classical fields. One application is to couple the global symmetries of the system (including the Poincar\'{e} symmetry) to background gauge fields (and a metric for the Poincar\'{e} symmetry). Failure of gauge invariance of the partition function under gauge transformations of these fields reflects 't Hooft anomalies. It is also common to view the ordinary (scalar) coupling constants as background fields, i.e. to study t...
February 24, 2023
We propose that the Fermi surface anomaly of symmetry group $G$ in any dimension is universally classified by $G$-symmetric interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases in $(0+1)$-dimensional spacetime. The argument is based on the perspective that the gapless fermions on the Fermi surface can be viewed as the topological boundary modes of Chern insulators in the phase space (position-momentum space). Given the non-commutative nature of the phase space co...