ID: 2008.10398

Recursively abundant and recursively perfect numbers

August 24, 2020

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Thomas Fink
Number Theory
Statistical Mechanics

We introduce and study the recursive divisor function, a recursive analog of the usual divisor function: $\kappa_x(n) = n^x + \sum_{d\lfloor n} \kappa_x(d)$, where the sum is over the proper divisors of $n$. We give a geometrical interpretation of $\kappa_x(n)$, which we use to derive a relation between $\kappa_x(n)$ and $\kappa_0(n)$. For $x \geq 2$, we observe that $\kappa_x(n)/n^x < 1/(2-\zeta(x))$. We show that, for $n \geq 2$, $\kappa_0(n)$ is twice the number of ordered...

Superabundant numbers, their subsequences and the Riemann hypothesis

November 9, 2012

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Sadegh Nazardonyavi, Semyon Yakubovich
Number Theory

Let \sigma(n) be the sum of divisors of a positive integer n. Robin's theorem states that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the inequality \sigma(n)<e^\gamma n\log\log n for all n>5040 (\gamma is Euler's constant). It is a natural question in this direction to find a first integer, if exists, which violates this inequality. Following this process, we introduce a new sequence of numbers and call it as extremely abundant numbers. In this paper we show that the Riemann hyp...

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On finiteness of odd superperfect numbers

March 4, 2008

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Tomohiro Yamada
Number Theory

Some new results concerning the equation $\sigma(N)=aM, \sigma(M)=bN$ are proved. As a corollary, there are only finitely many odd superperfect numbers with a fixed number of distinct prime factors.

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On Exactly $3$-Deficient-Perfect Numbers

January 20, 2020

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Saralee Aursukaree, Prapanpong Pongsriiam
Number Theory

Let $n$ and $k$ be positive integers and $\sigma(n)$ the sum of all positive divisors of $n$. We call $n$ an exactly $k$-deficient-perfect number with deficient divisors $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k$ if $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k$ are distinct proper divisors of $n$ and $\sigma (n)=2n-(d_1+d_2+\ldots + d_k)$. In this article, we show that the only odd exactly $3$-deficient-perfect number with at most two distinct prime factors is $1521=3^2 \cdot 13^2$.

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On the small prime factors of a non-deficient number

May 25, 2020

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Joshua Zelinsky
Number Theory

Let $\sigma(n)$ to be the sum of the positive divisors of $n$. A number is non-deficient if $\sigma(n) \geq 2n$. We establish new lower bounds for the number of distinct prime factors of an odd non-deficient number in terms of its second smallest, third smallest and fourth smallest prime factors. We also obtain tighter bounds for odd perfect numbers. We also discuss the behavior of $\sigma(n!+1)$, $\sigma(2^n+1)$, and related sequences.

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Odd Multiperfect Numbers

February 22, 2011

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Shi-Chao Chen, Hao Luo
Number Theory

A natural number $n$ is called {\it multiperfect} or {\it$k$-perfect} for integer $k\ge2$ if $\sigma(n)=kn$, where $\sigma(n)$ is the sum of the positive divisors of $n$. In this paper, we establish the structure theorem of odd multiperfect numbers analogous as Euler's theorem on odd perfect numbers. We prove the divisibility of the Euler part of odd multiperfect numbers and characterize the forms of odd perfect numbers $n=\pi^\alpha M^2$ such that $\pi\equiv\alpha(\text{mod}...

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On the quantity $I(q^k) + I(n^2)$ where $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number -- Part II

August 5, 2021

82% Match
Keneth Adrian Precillas Dagal, Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
General Mathematics

In this note, we continue an approach pursued in an earlier paper of the second author and thereby attempt to produce an improved lower bound for the sum $I(q^k) + I(n^2)$, where $q^k n^2$ is an odd perfect number with special prime $q$ and $I(x)$ is the abundancy index of the positive integer $x$. In particular, this yields an upper bound for $k$.

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On the Radical of Multiperfect Numbers and Applications

December 28, 2018

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Nithin Kavi, Xinyi Zhang, ... , Kadaveru Ajit
Number Theory

It is conjectured that for a perfect number $m,$ $\rm{rad}(m)\ll m^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ We prove bounds on the radical of multiperfect number $m$ depending on its abundancy index. Assuming the ABC conjecture, we apply this result to study gaps between multiperfect numbers, multiperfect numbers represented by polynomials. Finally, we prove that there are only finitely many multiperfect multirepdigit numbers in any base $g$ where the number of digits in the repdigit is a power of $2...

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On the Components of an Odd Perfect Number

June 14, 2012

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Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

If $N = {p^k}{m^2}$ is an odd perfect number with special prime factor $p$, then it is proved that ${p^k} < (2/3){m^2}$. Numerical results on the abundancy indices $\frac{\sigma(p^k)}{p^k}$ and $\frac{\sigma(m^2)}{m^2}$, and the ratios $\frac{\sigma(p^k)}{m^2}$ and $\frac{\sigma(m^2)}{p^k}$, are used. It is also showed that $m^2 > \frac{\sqrt{6}}{2}({10}^{150})$.

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A Criterion for Deficient Numbers Using the Abundancy Index and Deficiency Functions

August 14, 2013

82% Match
Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

We show that $n$ is almost perfect if and only if $I(n) - 1 < D(n) \leq I(n)$, where $I(n)$ is the abundancy index of $n$ and $D(n)$ is the deficiency of $n$. This criterion is then extended to the case of integers $m$ satisfying $D(m)>1$.

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