ID: 2008.11002

Transitions in loopy random graphs with fixed degrees and arbitrary degree distributions

August 25, 2020

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Entropy of random graph ensembles constrained with generalised degrees

September 14, 2013

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Ekaterina S. Roberts, Anthonius C. C. Coolen
Disordered Systems and Neura...

Generalised degrees provide a natural bridge between local and global topological properties of networks. We define the generalised degree to be the number of neighbours of a node within one and two steps respectively. Tailored random graph ensembles are used to quantify and compare topological properties of networks in a systematic and precise manner, using concepts from information theory. We calculate the Shannon entropy of random graph ensembles constrained with a specifi...

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On the asymptotics of constrained exponential random graphs

June 13, 2014

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Richard Kenyon, Mei Yin

The unconstrained exponential family of random graphs assumes no prior knowledge of the graph before sampling, but it is natural to consider situations where partial information about the graph is known, for example the total number of edges. What does a typical random graph look like, if drawn from an exponential model subject to such constraints? Will there be a similar phase transition phenomenon (as one varies the parameters) as that which occurs in the unconstrained expo...

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Principles of statistical mechanics of random networks

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S. N. Dorogovtsev, J. F. F. Mendes, A. N. Samukhin
Statistical Mechanics
Networking and Internet Arch...
Mathematical Physics
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...

We develop a statistical mechanics approach for random networks with uncorrelated vertices. We construct equilibrium statistical ensembles of such networks and obtain their partition functions and main characteristics. We find simple dynamical construction procedures that produce equilibrium uncorrelated random graphs with an arbitrary degree distribution. In particular, we show that in equilibrium uncorrelated networks, fat-tailed degree distributions may exist only starting...

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The Asymptotics of Large Constrained Graphs

January 6, 2014

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Charles Radin, Kui Ren, Lorenzo Sadun
Social and Information Netwo...
Mathematical Physics

We show, through local estimates and simulation, that if one constrains simple graphs by their densities $\varepsilon$ of edges and $\tau$ of triangles, then asymptotically (in the number of vertices) for over $95\%$ of the possible range of those densities there is a well-defined typical graph, and it has a very simple structure: the vertices are decomposed into two subsets $V_1$ and $V_2$ of fixed relative size $c$ and $1-c$, and there are well-defined probabilities of edge...

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Entropy distribution and condensation in random networks with a given degree distribution

March 24, 2014

84% Match
Kartik Anand, Dimitri Krioukov, Ginestra Bianconi
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics
Physics and Society

The entropy of network ensembles characterizes the amount of information encoded in the network structure, and can be used to quantify network complexity, and the relevance of given structural properties observed in real network datasets with respect to a random hypothesis. In many real networks the degrees of individual nodes are not fixed but change in time, while their statistical properties, such as the degree distribution, are preserved. Here we characterize the distribu...

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A symmetry breaking transition in the edge/triangle network model

April 27, 2016

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Charles Radin, Kui Ren, Lorenzo Sadun
Statistical Mechanics
Social and Information Netwo...

Our general subject is the emergence of phases, and phase transitions, in large networks subjected to a few variable constraints. Our main result is the analysis, in the model using edge and triangle subdensities for constraints, of a sharp transition between two phases with different symmetries, analogous to the transition between a fluid and a crystalline solid.

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Clustering implies geometry in networks

April 6, 2016

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Dmitri Krioukov

Network models with latent geometry have been used successfully in many applications in network science and other disciplines, yet it is usually impossible to tell if a given real network is geometric, meaning if it is a typical element in an ensemble of random geometric graphs. Here we identify structural properties of networks that guarantee that random graphs having these properties are geometric. Specifically we show that random graphs in which expected degree and cluster...

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Relaxation dynamics of maximally clustered networks

August 25, 2017

84% Match
Janis Klaise, Samuel Johnson
Physics and Society
Social and Information Netwo...

We study the relaxation dynamics of fully clustered networks (maximal number of triangles) to an unclustered state under two different edge dynamics---the double-edge swap, corresponding to degree-preserving randomization of the configuration model, and single edge replacement, corresponding to full randomization of the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph. We derive expressions for the time evolution of the degree distribution, edge multiplicity distribution and clustering coeffi...

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Ising model in clustered scale-free networks

September 8, 2015

83% Match
Carlos P. Herrero
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The Ising model in clustered scale-free networks has been studied by Monte Carlo simulations. These networks are characterized by a degree distribution of the form P(k) ~ k^(-gamma) for large k. Clustering is introduced in the networks by inserting triangles, i.e., triads of connected nodes. The transition from a ferromagnetic (FM) to a paramagnetic (PM) phase has been studied as a function of the exponent gamma and the triangle density. For gamma > 3 our results are in line ...

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Critical phenomena in exponential random graphs

August 15, 2012

83% Match
Mei Yin
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics

The exponential family of random graphs is one of the most promising class of network models. Dependence between the random edges is defined through certain finite subgraphs, analogous to the use of potential energy to provide dependence between particle states in a grand canonical ensemble of statistical physics. By adjusting the specific values of these subgraph densities, one can analyze the influence of various local features on the global structure of the network. Loosel...

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