March 17, 2021
We generalise and improve some recent bounds for additive energies of modular roots. Our arguments use a variety of techniques, including those from additive combinatorics, algebraic number theory and the geometry of numbers. We give applications of these results to new bounds on correlations between {\it Sali{\'e}} sums and to a new equidistribution estimate for the set of modular roots of primes.
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We obtain function field analogues of recent energy bounds on modular square roots and modular inversions and apply them to bounding some bilinear sums and to some questions regarding smooth and square-free polynomials in residue classes.
December 10, 2004
The main purpose of this survey is to introduce an inexperienced reader to additive prime number theory and some related branches of analytic number theory. We state the main problems in the field, sketch their history and the basic machinery used to study them, and try to give a representative sample of the directions of current research.
We consider the large sieve inequality for sparse sequences of moduli and give a general result depending on the additive energy (both symmetric and asymmetric) of the sequence of moduli. For example, in the case of monomials $f(X) = X^k$ this allows us to improve, in some ranges of the parameters, the previous bounds of S. Baier and L. Zhao (2005), K.~Halupczok (2012, 2015, 2018) and M.~Munsch (2020). We also consider moduli defined by polynomials $f(X) \in \mathbb{Z}[X]$, P...
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The main objective of this article is to study the exponential sums associated to Fourier coefficients of modular forms supported at numbers having a fixed set of prime factors. This is achieved by establishing an improvement on Shparlinski's bound for exponential sums attached to certain recurrence sequences over finite fields.
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The main objective of this article is to study the asymptotic behavior of Salie sums over arithmetic progressions. We deduce from our asymptotic formula that Salie sums possess a bias of being positive. The method we use is based on Kuznetsov formula for modular forms of half integral weight. Moreover, in order to develop an explicit formula, we are led to determine an explicit orthogonal basis of the space of modular forms of half integral weight.
August 9, 2013
Combining Freiman's theorem with Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers theorem one can show that if an additive set has large additive energy, then a large piece of the set is contained in a generalized arithmetic progression of small rank and size. In this paper, we prove the above statement with the optimal bound for the rank of the progression. The proof strategy involves studying upper bounds for additive energy of subsets of R^d and Z^d.
March 26, 2015
We present a new proof of Corvaja and Zannier's \cite{C-Z} the upper bound of the number of solutions $(x,y)$ of the algebraic equation $P(x,y)=0$ over a field $\mathbb{F}_p$ ($p$ is a prime), in the case, where $x\in g_1G$, $y\in g_2G$, ($g_1G$, $g_2G$ -- are cosets by some subgroup $G$ of a multiplicative group $\mathbb{F}_p^*$). The estimate of Corvaja and Zannier was improved in average, and some applications of it has been obtained. In particular we present the new bound...
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In this paper we consider estimating the number of solutions to multiplicative equations in finite fields when the variables run through certain sets with high additive structure. In particular, we consider estimating the multiplicative energy of generalized arithmetic progressions in prime fields and of boxes in arbitrary finite fields and obtain sharp bounds in more general scenarios than previously known. Our arguments extend some ideas of Konyagin and Bourgain and Chang i...