October 24, 2021
We study the use of machine learning for finding numerical hermitian Yang-Mills connections on line bundles over Calabi-Yau manifolds. Defining an appropriate loss function and focusing on the examples of an elliptic curve, a K3 surface and a quintic threefold, we show that neural networks can be trained to give a close approximation to hermitian Yang-Mills connections.
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We introduce neural networks to compute numerical Ricci-flat CY metrics for complete intersection and Kreuzer-Skarke Calabi-Yau manifolds at any point in K\"ahler and complex structure moduli space, and introduce the package cymetric which provides computation realizations of these techniques. In particular, we develop and computationally realize methods for point-sampling on these manifolds. The training for the neural networks is carried out subject to a custom loss functio...
December 9, 2020
We propose machine learning inspired methods for computing numerical Calabi-Yau (Ricci flat K\"ahler) metrics, and implement them using Tensorflow/Keras. We compare them with previous work, and find that they are far more accurate for manifolds with little or no symmetry. We also discuss issues such as overparameterization and choice of optimization methods.
June 20, 2019
We investigate different approaches to machine learning of line bundle cohomology on complex surfaces as well as on Calabi-Yau three-folds. Standard function learning based on simple fully connected networks with logistic sigmoids is reviewed and its main features and shortcomings are discussed. It has been observed recently that line bundle cohomology can be described by dividing the Picard lattice into certain regions in each of which the cohomology dimension is described b...
April 26, 2010
A numerical algorithm is presented for explicitly computing the gauge connection on slope-stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds. To illustrate this algorithm, we calculate the connections on stable monad bundles defined on the K3 twofold and Quintic threefold. An error measure is introduced to determine how closely our algorithmic connection approximates a solution to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations. We then extend our results by investigating the behav...
October 18, 2019
We apply machine learning to the problem of finding numerical Calabi-Yau metrics. Building on Donaldson's algorithm for calculating balanced metrics on K\"ahler manifolds, we combine conventional curve fitting and machine-learning techniques to numerically approximate Ricci-flat metrics. We show that machine learning is able to predict the Calabi-Yau metric and quantities associated with it, such as its determinant, having seen only a small sample of training data. Using this...
December 31, 2020
Ricci flat metrics for Calabi-Yau threefolds are not known analytically. In this work, we employ techniques from machine learning to deduce numerical flat metrics for the Fermat quintic, for the Dwork quintic, and for the Tian-Yau manifold. This investigation employs a single neural network architecture that is capable of approximating Ricci flat Kaehler metrics for several Calabi-Yau manifolds of dimensions two and three. We show that measures that assess the Ricci flatness ...
November 17, 2022
Finding Ricci-flat (Calabi-Yau) metrics is a long standing problem in geometry with deep implications for string theory and phenomenology. A new attack on this problem uses neural networks to engineer approximations to the Calabi-Yau metric within a given K\"ahler class. In this paper we investigate numerical Ricci-flat metrics over smooth and singular K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds. Using these Ricci-flat metric approximations for the Cefal\'u family of quartic twofol...
We extend the previous computations of Hermitian Yang-Mills connections for bundles on complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds to bundles on their free quotients. Bundles on quotient manifolds are often defined by equivariant bundles on corresponding covering spaces. Combining equivariant structure and generalized Donaldson's algorithm, we develop a systematic approach to compute connections of holomorphic poly-stable bundles on quotient manifolds. With it, we construct th...
September 5, 2020
Hodge numbers of Calabi-Yau manifolds depend non-trivially on the underlying manifold data and they present an interesting challenge for machine learning. In this letter we consider the data set of complete intersection Calabi-Yau four-folds, a set of about 900,000 topological types, and study supervised learning of the Hodge numbers h^1,1 and h^3,1 for these manifolds. We find that h^1,1 can be successfully learned (to 96% precision) by fully connected classifier and regress...
April 18, 2019
We use the latest techniques in machine-learning to study whether from the landscape of Calabi-Yau manifolds one can distinguish elliptically fibred ones. Using the dataset of complete intersections in products of projective spaces (CICY3 and CICY4, totalling about a million manifolds) as a concrete playground, we find that a relatively simple neural network with forward-feeding multi-layers can very efficiently distinguish the elliptic fibrations, much more so than using the...