October 24, 2021
Similar papers 2
May 9, 2021
A very popular model in machine learning is the feedforward neural network (FFN). The FFN can approximate general functions and mitigate the curse of dimensionality. Here we introduce FFNs which represent sections of holomorphic line bundles on complex manifolds, and ask some questions about their approximating power. We also explain formal similarities between the standard approach to supervised learning and the problem of finding numerical Ricci flat K\"ahler metrics, which...
November 20, 2023
We review advancements in deep learning techniques for complete intersection Calabi-Yau (CICY) 3- and 4-folds, with the aim of understanding better how to handle algebraic topological data with machine learning. We first discuss methodological aspects and data analysis, before describing neural networks architectures. Then, we describe the state-of-the art accuracy in predicting Hodge numbers. We include new results on extrapolating predictions from low to high Hodge numbers,...
August 4, 2021
We continue earlier efforts in computing the dimensions of tangent space cohomologies of Calabi-Yau manifolds using deep learning. In this paper, we consider the dataset of all Calabi-Yau four-folds constructed as complete intersections in products of projective spaces. Employing neural networks inspired by state-of-the-art computer vision architectures, we improve earlier benchmarks and demonstrate that all four non-trivial Hodge numbers can be learned at the same time using...
December 20, 2021
We apply machine learning to the problem of finding numerical Calabi-Yau metrics. We extend previous work on learning approximate Ricci-flat metrics calculated using Donaldson's algorithm to the much more accurate "optimal" metrics of Headrick and Nassar. We show that machine learning is able to predict the K\"ahler potential of a Calabi-Yau metric having seen only a small sample of training data.
December 7, 2018
We present a pedagogical introduction to the recent advances in the computational geometry, physical implications, and data science of Calabi-Yau manifolds. Aimed at the beginning research student and using Calabi-Yau spaces as an exciting play-ground, we intend to teach some mathematics to the budding physicist, some physics to the budding mathematician, and some machine-learning to both. Based on various lecture series, colloquia and seminars given by the author in the past...
July 30, 2020
We revisit the question of predicting both Hodge numbers $h^{1,1}$ and $h^{2,1}$ of complete intersection Calabi-Yau (CICY) 3-folds using machine learning (ML), considering both the old and new datasets built respectively by Candelas-Dale-Lutken-Schimmrigk / Green-H\"ubsch-Lutken and by Anderson-Gao-Gray-Lee. In real world applications, implementing a ML system rarely reduces to feed the brute data to the algorithm. Instead, the typical workflow starts with an exploratory dat...
December 8, 2020
We use machine learning to approximate Calabi-Yau and SU(3)-structure metrics, including for the first time complex structure moduli dependence. Our new methods furthermore improve existing numerical approximations in terms of accuracy and speed. Knowing these metrics has numerous applications, ranging from computations of crucial aspects of the effective field theory of string compactifications such as the canonical normalizations for Yukawa couplings, and the massive string...
January 5, 2020
In these lecture notes, we survey the landscape of Calabi-Yau threefolds, and the use of machine learning to explore it. We begin with the compact portion of the landscape, focusing in particular on complete intersection Calabi-Yau varieties (CICYs) and elliptic fibrations. Non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds are manifest in Type II superstring theories, they arise as representation varieties of quivers, used to describe gauge theories in the bulk familiar four dimensions. Final...
March 15, 2011
We further develop the numerical algorithm for computing the gauge connection of slope-stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi-Yau manifolds. In particular, recent work on the generalized Donaldson algorithm is extended to bundles with Kahler cone substructure on manifolds with h^{1,1}>1. Since the computation depends only on a one-dimensional ray in the Kahler moduli space, it can probe slope-stability regardless of the size of h^{1,1}. Suitably normalized error measures...
November 2, 2021
We present a new machine learning library for computing metrics of string compactification spaces. We benchmark the performance on Monte-Carlo sampled integrals against previous numerical approximations and find that our neural networks are more sample- and computation-efficient. We are the first to provide the possibility to compute these metrics for arbitrary, user-specified shape and size parameters of the compact space and observe a linear relation between optimization of...