ID: 2211.08994

Product of difference sets of set of primes

October 28, 2022

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Sayan Goswami
Number Theory

In a recent work \cite{key-11}, A. Fish proved that if $E_{1}$ and $E_{2}$ are two subsets of $\mathbb{Z}$ of positive upper Banach density, then there exists $k\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $k\cdot\mathbb{Z}\subset\left(E_{1}-E_{1}\right)\cdot\left(E_{2}-E_{2}\right).$ In this article we will show that a similar result is true for the set of primes $\mathbb{P}$ (which has density $0$). We will prove that there exists $k\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $k\cdot\mathbb{N}\subset\left(\mathbb{P}-\mathbb{P}\right)\cdot\left(\mathbb{P}-\mathbb{P}\right),$ where $\mathbb{P}-\mathbb{P}=\left\{ p-q:p>q\,\text{and}\,p,q\in\mathbb{P}\right\} .$

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