ID: 2304.09589

Stability and Instability of Equilibria in Age-Structured Diffusive Populations

April 19, 2023

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Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

The principle of linearized stability and instability is established for a classical model describing the spatial movement of an age-structured population with nonlinear vital rates. It is shown that the real parts of the eigenvalues of the corresponding linearization at an equilibrium determine the latter's stability or instability. The key ingredient of the proof is the eventual compactness of the semigroup associated with the linearized problem, which is derived by a perturbation argument. The results are illustrated with examples.

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The Principle of Linearized Stability in Age-Structured Diffusive Populations

December 30, 2021

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Christoph Walker, Josef Zehetbauer
Analysis of PDEs

The principle of linearized stability is established for age-structured diffusive populations incorporating nonlinear death and birth processes. More precisely, asymptotic exponential stability is shown for equilibria for which the semigroup associated with the linearization at the equiblibrium has a negative growth bound. The result is derived in an abstract framework and applied in concrete situations.

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A Note on the Compactness of the Resolvent of the Age-Diffusion Operator

April 28, 2023

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Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

The generator of the semigroup associated with linear age-structured population models including spatial diffusion is shown to have compact resolvent.

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A numerical method for the stability analysis of linear age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion

April 21, 2023

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Dimitri Breda, Reggi Simone De, Rossana Vermiglio
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Dynamical Systems

We numerically address the stability analysis of linear age-structured population models with nonlocal diffusion, which arise naturally in describing dynamics of infectious diseases. Compared to Laplace diffusion, models with nonlocal diffusion are more challenging since the associated semigroups have no regularizing properties in the spatial variable. Nevertheless, the asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium is determined by the spectrum of the infinitesimal generator a...

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Hierarchical size-structured populations: The linearized semigroup approach

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Jozsef Z. Farkas, Thomas C. Hagen
Analysis of PDEs

In the present paper we analyze the linear stability of a hierarchical size-structured population model where the vital rates (mortality, fertility and growth rate) depend both on size and a general functional of the population density ("environment"). We derive regularity properties of the governing linear semigroup, implying that linear stability is governed by a dominant real eigenvalue of the semigroup generator, which arises as a zero of an associated characteristic func...

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Some Remarks About the Semigroup Associated to Age-Structured Diffusive Populations

January 12, 2012

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Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

We consider linear age-structured population equations with diffusion. Supposing maximal regularity of the diffusion operator, we characterize the generator and its spectral properties of the associated strongly continuous semigroup. In particular, we provide conditions for stability of the zero solution and for asynchronous exponential growth.

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Positive Equilibrium Solutions for Age and Spatially Structured Population Models

February 17, 2009

86% Match
Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

The existence of positive equilibrium solutions to age-dependent population equations with nonlinear diffusion is studied in an abstract setting. By introducing a bifurcation parameter measuring the intensity of the fertility it is shown that a branch of (positive) equilibria bifurcates from the trivial equilibrium. In some cases the direction of bifurcation is analyzed.

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Some Results Based on Maximal Regularity Regarding Population Models with Age and Spatial Structure

September 13, 2017

86% Match
Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

We review some results on abstract linear and nonlinear population models with age and spatial structure. The results are mainly based on the assumption of maximal $L_p$-regularity of the spatial dispersion term. In particular, this property allows us to characterize completely the generator of the underlying linear semigroup and to give a simple proof of asynchronous exponential growth of the semigroup. Moreover, maximal regularity is also a powerful tool in order to establi...

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Bifurcation of Positive Equilibria in Nonlinear Structured Population Models with Varying Mortality Rates

February 9, 2010

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Christoph LUH Walker
Analysis of PDEs

A parameter-dependent model involving nonlinear diffusion for an age-structured population is studied. The parameter measures the intensity of the mortality. A bifurcation approach is used to establish existence of positive equilibrium solutions.

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Well-Posedness and Stability Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Infection Age and Spatial Diffusion

December 20, 2022

85% Match
Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

A compartment epidemic model for infectious disease spreading is investigated, where movement of individuals is governed by spatial diffusion. The model includes infection age of the infected individuals and assumes a logistic growth of the susceptibles. Global well-posedness of the equations within the class of nonnegative smooth solutions is shown. Moreover, spectral properties of the linearization around a steady state are derived. This yields the notion of linear stabilit...

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Age-structured population models with Applications

July 5, 2016

85% Match
Min Gao
Analysis of PDEs

A general model of age-structured population dynamics is developed and the fundamental properties of its solutions are analyzed. The model is a semilinear partial differential equation with a nonlinear nonlocal boundary condition. Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to the model equations are proved. An intrinsic growth constant is obtained and linked to the existence and the stability of the trivial and/or the positive equilibrium. Lyapunov function is construc...

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