ID: 2304.09589

Stability and Instability of Equilibria in Age-Structured Diffusive Populations

April 19, 2023

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Global Bifurcation of Positive Equilibria in Nonlinear Population Models

July 7, 2009

85% Match
Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs
Functional Analysis

Existence of nontrivial nonnegative equilibrium solutions for age structured population models with nonlinear diffusion is investigated. Introducing a parameter measuring the intensity of the fertility, global bifurcation is shown of a branch of positive equilibrium solutions emanating from the trivial equilibrium. Moreover, for the parameter-independent model we establish existence of positive equilibria by means of a fixed point theorem for conical shells.

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Age-structured Models with Nonlocal Diffusion of Dirichlet Type, I: Principal Spectral Theory and Limiting Properties

May 19, 2022

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Arnaud Ducrot, Hao Kang, Shigui Ruan
Analysis of PDEs

Age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion arise naturally in describing the population dynamics of biological species and the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases in which individuals disperse nonlocally and interact each other and the age structure of individuals matters. In the first part of our series papers, we study the principal spectral theory of age-structured models with nonlocal diffusion of Dirichlet type. First, we provide two criteria on the existence...

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Age-dependent equations with non-linear diffusion

October 30, 2008

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Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

We consider the well-posedness of models involving age structure and non-linear diffusion. Such problems arise in the study of population dynamics. It is shown how diffusion and age boundary conditions can be treated that depend non-linearly and possibly non-locally on the density itself. The abstract approach is depicted with examples.

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Properties of the Semigroup in $L_1$ Associated with Age-Structured Diffusive Populations

September 3, 2021

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Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

The linear semigroup associated with age-structured diffusive populations is investigated in the $L_1$-setting. A complete determination of its generator is given along with detailed spectral information that imply, in particular, an asynchronous exponential growth of the semigroup. Moreover, regularizing effects inherited from the diffusion part are exploited to derive additional properties of the semigroup.

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Perturbation of a globally stable equilibrium: application on an age-structured model

May 24, 2015

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Yannick Tchaptchie Kouakep
Analysis of PDEs

In this manuscript we consider an age structured epidemic system modelling the dynamics of transmission of immunizing disease like Hepatitis B virus. Our model takes into account age as well as two classes of infected individuals (chronic carriers and acute infected human). Based on the low infectivity of chronic carriers, we study the asymptotic behavior of the system and, under some suitable assumptions, we prove the global stability of the endemic equilibrium point using p...

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Controllability and Positivity Constraints in Population Dynamics with age, size Structuring and Diffusion

September 8, 2022

83% Match
Yacouba Simpore, Umberto Biccari
Optimization and Control
Analysis of PDEs

In this article, we consider the infinite dimensional linear control system describing the Population Models Structured by Age, Size, and Spatial Position. The control is localized in the space variable as well as with respect to the age and size. For each control support, we give an estimate of the time needed to control the system to zero. We prove the null controllability of the model, using a technique avoids the explicit use of parabolic Carleman estimates. Indeed, this ...

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Analysis and Numerics for an Age- and Sex-Structured Population Model

October 10, 2014

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Michael Pokojovy, Yevhenii Skvarkovskyi
Numerical Analysis

We study a linear model of McKendrick-von Foerster-Keyfitz type for the temporal development of the age structure of a two-sex human population. For the underlying system of partial integro-differential equations, we exploit the semigroup theory to show the classical well-posedness and asymptotic stability in a Hilbert space framework under appropriate conditions on the age-specific mortality and fertility moduli. Finally, we propose an implicit finite difference scheme to nu...

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A pseudospectral method for investigating the stability of linear population models with two physiological structures

March 22, 2022

83% Match
Alessia Andò, Reggi Simone De, ... , Scarabel Francesca
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Dynamical Systems

The asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium of a linear population model with two physiological structures formulated as a first-order hyperbolic PDE is determined by the spectrum of its infinitesimal generator. We propose an equivalent reformulation of the problem in the space of absolutely continuous functions in the sense of Carath\'eodory, so that the domain of the corresponding infinitesimal generator is defined by trivial boundary conditions. Via bivariate collocat...

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Rescaling approach for a stochastic population dynamics equation perturbed by a linear multiplicative Gaussian noise

October 7, 2017

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Gabriela Marinoschi
Analysis of PDEs

We are concerned with a nonlinear nonautonomous model represented by an equation describing the dynamics of an age-structured population diffusing in a space habitat $O,$ governed by local Lipschitz vital factors and by a stochastic behavior of the demographic rates possibly representing emigration, immigration and fortuitous mortality. The model is completed by a random initial condition, a flux type boundary conditions on $\partial O$ with a random jump in the population de...

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A Note on a Nonlocal Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Model

January 20, 2011

82% Match
Christoph Walker
Analysis of PDEs

We give an application of the Crandall-Rabinowitz theorem on local bifurcation to a system of nonlinear parabolic equations with nonlocal reaction and cross-diffusion terms as well as nonlocal initial conditions. The system arises as steady-state equations of two interacting age-structured populations.

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