ID: 2310.09931

Sub-optimality of the Naive Mean Field approximation for proportional high-dimensional Linear Regression

October 15, 2023

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High Dimensional Classification via Regularized and Unregularized Empirical Risk Minimization: Precise Error and Optimal Loss

May 31, 2019

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Xiaoyi Mai, Zhenyu Liao
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

This article provides, through theoretical analysis, an in-depth understanding of the classification performance of the empirical risk minimization framework, in both ridge-regularized and unregularized cases, when high dimensional data are considered. Focusing on the fundamental problem of separating a two-class Gaussian mixture, the proposed analysis allows for a precise prediction of the classification error for a set of numerous data vectors $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb R^p$ o...

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Bayesian inference in high-dimensional models

January 12, 2021

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Sayantan Banerjee, Ismaël Castillo, Subhashis Ghosal
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Models with dimension more than the available sample size are now commonly used in various applications. A sensible inference is possible using a lower-dimensional structure. In regression problems with a large number of predictors, the model is often assumed to be sparse, with only a few predictors active. Interdependence between a large number of variables is succinctly described by a graphical model, where variables are represented by nodes on a graph and an edge between t...

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High-dimensional regression with noisy and missing data: Provable guarantees with nonconvexity

September 16, 2011

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Po-Ling Loh, Martin J. Wainwright
Statistics Theory
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Machine Learning
Statistics Theory

Although the standard formulations of prediction problems involve fully-observed and noiseless data drawn in an i.i.d. manner, many applications involve noisy and/or missing data, possibly involving dependence, as well. We study these issues in the context of high-dimensional sparse linear regression, and propose novel estimators for the cases of noisy, missing and/or dependent data. Many standard approaches to noisy or missing data, such as those using the EM algorithm, lead...

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Variational approximations of empirical Bayes posteriors in high-dimensional linear models

July 31, 2020

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Yue Yang, Ryan Martin
Statistics Theory
Machine Learning
Statistics Theory

In high-dimensions, the prior tails can have a significant effect on both posterior computation and asymptotic concentration rates. To achieve optimal rates while keeping the posterior computations relatively simple, an empirical Bayes approach has recently been proposed, featuring thin-tailed conjugate priors with data-driven centers. While conjugate priors ease some of the computational burden, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are still needed, which can be expensive when d...

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Asymptotics of Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation in Random Features Regression

June 6, 2023

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Youngsoo Baek, Samuel I. Berchuck, Sayan Mukherjee
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

In this paper we compare and contrast the behavior of the posterior predictive distribution to the risk of the maximum a posteriori estimator for the random features regression model in the overparameterized regime. We will focus on the variance of the posterior predictive distribution (Bayesian model average) and compare its asymptotics to that of the risk of the MAP estimator. In the regime where the model dimensions grow faster than any constant multiple of the number of s...

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Theoretical characterization of uncertainty in high-dimensional linear classification

February 7, 2022

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Lucas Clarté, Bruno Loureiro, ... , Zdeborová Lenka
Machine Learning
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Machine Learning

Being able to reliably assess not only the \emph{accuracy} but also the \emph{uncertainty} of models' predictions is an important endeavour in modern machine learning. Even if the model generating the data and labels is known, computing the intrinsic uncertainty after learning the model from a limited number of samples amounts to sampling the corresponding posterior probability measure. Such sampling is computationally challenging in high-dimensional problems and theoretical ...

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Generalization Error of Generalized Linear Models in High Dimensions

May 1, 2020

86% Match
Melikasadat Emami, Mojtaba Sahraee-Ardakan, Parthe Pandit, ... , Fletcher Alyson K.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

At the heart of machine learning lies the question of generalizability of learned rules over previously unseen data. While over-parameterized models based on neural networks are now ubiquitous in machine learning applications, our understanding of their generalization capabilities is incomplete. This task is made harder by the non-convexity of the underlying learning problems. We provide a general framework to characterize the asymptotic generalization error for single-layer ...

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An Impossibility Result for High Dimensional Supervised Learning

January 29, 2013

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Mohammad Hossein Rohban, Prakash Ishwar, Birant Orten, ... , Saligrama Venkatesh
Machine Learning

We study high-dimensional asymptotic performance limits of binary supervised classification problems where the class conditional densities are Gaussian with unknown means and covariances and the number of signal dimensions scales faster than the number of labeled training samples. We show that the Bayes error, namely the minimum attainable error probability with complete distributional knowledge and equally likely classes, can be arbitrarily close to zero and yet the limiting...

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Tight skew adjustment to the Laplace approximation in high dimensions

June 12, 2023

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Anya Katsevich
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

In Bayesian inference, a simple and popular approach to reduce the burden of computing high dimensional integrals against a posterior $\pi$ is to make the Laplace approximation $\hat\gamma$. This is a Gaussian distribution, so computing $\int fd\pi$ via the approximation $\int fd\hat\gamma$ is significantly less expensive. In this paper, we make two general contributions to the topic of high-dimensional Laplace approximations, as well as a third contribution specific to a log...

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Dissecting Non-Vacuous Generalization Bounds based on the Mean-Field Approximation

September 6, 2019

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Konstantinos Pitas
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Explaining how overparametrized neural networks simultaneously achieve low risk and zero empirical risk on benchmark datasets is an open problem. PAC-Bayes bounds optimized using variational inference (VI) have been recently proposed as a promising direction in obtaining non-vacuous bounds. We show empirically that this approach gives negligible gains when modeling the posterior as a Gaussian with diagonal covariance--known as the mean-field approximation. We investigate comm...

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