ID: 2311.14668

From higher-spin gauge interactions to Compton amplitudes for root-Kerr

November 24, 2023

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Lucile Cangemi, Marco Chiodaroli, Henrik Johansson, Alexander Ochirov, Paolo Pichini, Evgeny Skvortsov
High Energy Physics - Theory

We develop massive higher-spin theory as a framework for describing dynamics of rotating compact objects, such as Kerr black holes. In this paper, we explore gauge interactions up to quartic order and corresponding Compton amplitudes of higher-spin massive objects coupled to electromagnetism and Yang-Mills theory. Their classical counterparts are known as root-Kerr gauge-theory solutions, whose amplitudes are closely related to those of Kerr black holes. We use three distinct approaches: (i) massive higher-spin gauge symmetry to introduce cubic interactions for all spins and the quartic interactions up to spin 3, which is implemented both off shell and via Ward identities; (ii) a chiral higher-spin approach to construct quartic Lagrangians with correct degrees of freedom to all spins; (iii) on-shell functional patterns before and after taking the classical limit to constrain the Compton amplitudes. As final results, we arrive at simple local formulae for the candidate root-Kerr Compton amplitudes both in the quantum regime and classical limit, to all orders in spin. This is a precursor to the gravitational Kerr case, which is presented in a follow-up paper.

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