ID: 2311.14668

From higher-spin gauge interactions to Compton amplitudes for root-Kerr

November 24, 2023

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Chiral approach to massive higher spins

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Alexander Ochirov, Evgeny Skvortsov
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We propose a new, chiral description for massive higher-spin particles in four spacetime dimensions, which facilitates the introduction of consistent interactions. As proof of concept, we formulate three theories, in which higher-spin matter is coupled to electrodynamics, non-Abelian gauge theory or gravity. The theories are chiral and have simple Lagrangians, resulting in Feynman rules analogous to those of massive scalars. Starting from these Feynman rules, we derive tree-l...

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Classical Limit of Higher-Spin String Amplitudes

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It has been shown that a special set of three-point amplitudes between two massive spinning states and a graviton reproduces the linearised stress-energy tensor for a Kerr black hole in the classical limit. In this work we revisit this result and compare it to the analysis of the amplitudes describing the interaction of leading Regge states of the open and closed superstring. We find an all-spin result for the classical limit of two massive spinning states interacting with a ...

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The origin of mass,spin and interaction

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We argue that a non commutative geometry at the Compton scale is at the root of mass, Quantum Mechanical spin and QCD and electromagnetic interactions. It also leads to a reconciliation of linearized General Relativity and Quantum Theory.

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Progress in Gauge Invariant Lagrangian Construction for Massive Higher Spin Fields

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I. L. Buchbinder, V. A. Krykhtin
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We review the recently developed general gauge invariant approach to Lagrangian construction for massive higher spin fields in Minkowski and AdS spaces of arbitrary dimension. Higher spin Lagrangian, describing the dynamics of the fields with any spin, is formulated with help of BRST-BFV operator in auxiliary Fock space. No off-shell constraints on the fields and gauge parameters are imposed. The construction is also applied to tensor higher spin fields with index symmetry co...

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On higher spin cubic interactions in d=3

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Yu. M. Zinoviev
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we elaborate on higher spin cubic interactions for massless, massive and partially massless fields. We work in the gauge invariant frame-like multispinor formalism, combining Lagrangian and unfolded formulations.

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On massive higher spins in d=3

January 24, 2022

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M. V. Khabarov, Yu. M. Zinoviev
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we consider a frame-like gauge invariant description of massive higher spin bosons and fermions in d=3 and provide for the first time a proof that such formulation does describe just one massive physical degree of freedom with the appropriate helicity. For this purpose we completely fix all the gauge symmetries and show that all other auxiliary components vanish on-shell, while the only remaining highest component satisfies the correct equations. As a bonus, we ...

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Geometric Lagrangians for massive higher-spin fields

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High Energy Physics - Theory

Lagrangians for massive, unconstrained, higher-spin bosons and fermions are proposed. The idea is to modify the geometric, gauge invariant Lagrangians describing the corresponding massless theories by the addition of suitable quadratic polynomials. These polynomials provide generalisations of the Fierz-Pauli mass term containing all possible traces of the basic field. No auxiliary fields are needed.

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Higher-Spin Interactions: three-point functions and beyond

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Massimo Taronna
High Energy Physics - Theory

This Thesis reviews some recent developments about higher-spin interactions in flat and constant curvature backgrounds. Particular attention is given to the ambient-space formulation of the problem, both at the cubic and at the quartic order, with some emphasis on the structure of the solution to the Noether procedure that can be expressed in terms of powers of the standard Yang Mills amplitudes. We also highlight how some aspects of String Theory appear to reflect key proper...

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Massive Higher Spin Fields Coupled to a Scalar: Aspects of Interaction and Causality

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I. L. Buchbinder, P. Dempster, M. Tsulaia
High Energy Physics - Theory

We consider in detail the most general cubic Lagrangian which describes an interaction between two identical higher spin fieldsin a triplet formulation with a scalar field, all fields having the same values of the mass. After performing the gauge fixing procedure we find that for the case of massive fields the gauge invariance does not guarantee the preservation of the correct number of propagating physical degrees of freedom. In order to get the correct number of degrees of ...

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Black Holes and Singularity Resolution in Higher Spin Gravity

October 18, 2011

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Alejandra Castro, Eliot Hijano, ... , Maloney Alexander
High Energy Physics - Theory

We investigate higher spin theories of gravity in three dimensions based on the gauge group SL(N,R)*SL(N,R). In these theories the usual diffeomorphism symmetry is enhanced to include higher spin gauge transformations under which traditional geometric notions of curvature and causality are no longer invariant. This implies, for example, that apparently singular geometries can be rendered smooth by a gauge transformation, much like the resolution of orbifold singularities in s...

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