ID: 2312.04801

Large-N Principal Chiral Model in Arbitrary External Fields

December 8, 2023

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The Integrable Bootstrap Program at Large N and its Applications in Gauge Theory

October 23, 2013

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Axel Cortes Cubero
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

We present results for the large-$N$ limit of the (1+1)-dimensional principal chiral sigma model. This is an asymptotically-free $N\times N$ matrix-valued field with massive excitations. All the form factors and the exact correlation functions of the Noether-current operator and the energy-momentum tensor are found, from Smirnov's form-factor axioms. We consider (2+1)-dimensional $SU(\infty)$ Yang-Mills theory as an array of principal chiral models with a current-current inte...

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Hidden Symmetries of the Principal Chiral Model Unveiled

November 12, 1996

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C. Devchand, Jeremy Schiff
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

By relating the two-dimensional U(N) Principal Chiral Model to a simple linear system we obtain a free-field parametrisation of solutions. Obvious symmetry transformations on the free-field data give symmetries of the model. In this way all known `hidden symmetries' and B\"acklund transformations, as well as a host of new symmetries, arise.

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Multiparticle Form Factors of the Principal Chiral Model At Large N

May 9, 2012

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Axel Cortés Cubero
Mathematical Physics

We study the sigma model with $SU(N)\times SU(N)$ symmetry in 1+1 dimensions. The two- and four-particle form factors of the Noether current operators are found, by combining the integrable-bootstrap method with the large-$N$ expansion.

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Correlation Functions of the SU(infinity) Principal Chiral Model

June 8, 2013

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Axel Cortes Cubero, Peter Orland
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

We obtain exact matrix elements of physical operators of the (1+1)-dimensional nonlinear sigma model of an SU(N)-valued bare field, in the 't Hooft limit N goes to infinity. Specifically, all the form factors of the Noether current and the stress-energy-momentum tensor are found with an integrable bootstrap method. These form factors are used to find vacuum expectation values of products of these operators.

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Low-temperature expansion in link formulation. II

May 19, 1999

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O. Borisenko, V. Kushnir
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We extend our previous analysis to arbitrary two dimensional SU(N) principal chiral model in a link formulation. A general expression for the second order coefficient of fixed distance correlation function is given in terms of Green functions. This coefficient is calculated for distance 1 and is proven to be path independent. We also study the weak coupling expansion of the free energy of one dimensional SU(N) model and explain why it is non-uniform in the volume. Further, we...

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Seeing asymptotic freedom in an exact correlator of a large-$N$ matrix field theory

October 9, 2014

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Peter Orland
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics

Exact expressions for correlation functions are known for the large-$N$ (planar) limit of the $(1+1)$-dimensional ${\rm SU}(N)\times {\rm SU}(N)$ principal chiral sigma model. These were obtained with the form-factor bootstrap, an entirely nonperturbative method. The large-$N$ solution of this asymptotically-free model is far less trivial than that of O($N$) sigma model (or other isovector models). Here we study the Euclidean two-point correlation function $N^{-1}< {\rm Tr}\,...

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Exact Correlators in the 't Hooft Limit of the Principal Chiral Model

October 29, 2012

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Peter Baruch College and the Graduate School and University Center, CUNY Orland
Mathematical Physics

The properties of (N X N)-matrix-valued-field theories, in the limit N goes to infinity, are harder to obtain than those for isovector-valued field theories. This is because we know less about the sum of planar diagrams than the sum of bubble/linear diagrams. Combining the 1/N-expansion with the axioms for form factors, exact form factors can be found for the integrable field theory of an SU(N)-valued field in 1+1 dimensions. These form factors can be used to find the vacuum ...

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Hidden Symmetries of the Principal Chiral Model and a Nonstandard Loop Algebra

January 14, 1997

83% Match
C. Devchand, Jeremy Schiff
High Energy Physics - Theory

We examine the precise structure of the loop algebra of `dressing' symmetries of the Principal Chiral Model, and discuss a new infinite set of abelian symmetries of the field equations which preserve a symplectic form on the space of solutions.

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Integrable Chiral Theories in 2+1 Dimensions

May 15, 1998

83% Match
D. Gianzo, J. O. Madsen, J. Sanchez Guillen
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

Following a recent proposal for integrable theories in higher dimensions based on zero curvature, new Lorentz invariant submodels of the principal chiral model in 2+1 dimensions are found. They have infinite local conserved currents, which are explicitly given for the su(2) case. The construction works for any Lie algebra and in any dimension, and it is given explicitly also for su(3). We comment on the application to supersymmetric chiral models.

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Lattice study of continuity and finite-temperature transition in two-dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) Principal Chiral Model

June 27, 2017

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P. V. Buividovich, S. N. Valgushev
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Theory

We present first-principle lattice study of the two-dimensional SU(N) x SU(N) Principal Chiral Model (PCM) on the cylinder R x S1 with variable compactification length L0 of S1 and with both periodic and ZN-symmetric twisted boundary conditions. For both boundary conditions our numerical results can be interpreted as signatures of a weak crossover or phase transition between the regimes of small and large L0. In particular, at small L0 thermodynamic quantities exhibit nontriv...

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