ID: 2312.08184

Cubic action for Spinning Black Holes from massive higher-spin gauge symmetry

December 13, 2023

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On Higher Spin Theory: Strings, BRST, Dimensional Reductions

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We briefly review some modern developments in higher spin field theory and their links with superstring theory. The analysis is based on various BRST constructions allowing to derive the Lagrangians for massive and massless higher spin fields on flat or constant curvature backgrounds of arbitrary dimensions.

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Spinning waveforms in cubic effective field theories of gravity

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We derive analytic all-order-in-spin expressions for the leading-order time-domain waveforms generated in the scattering of two Kerr black holes with arbitrary masses and spin vectors in the presence of all independent cubic deformations of Einstein-Hilbert gravity. These are the two parity-even interactions $I_1$ and $G_3$, and the parity-odd ones $\tilde{I}_1$ and $\tilde{G}_3$. Our results are obtained using three independent methods: a particularly efficient direct integr...

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Test black holes, scattering amplitudes and perturbations of Kerr spacetime

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In this paper we elaborate on higher spin cubic interactions for massless, massive and partially massless fields. We work in the gauge invariant frame-like multispinor formalism, combining Lagrangian and unfolded formulations.

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In this note, we construct a BRST invariant cubic vertex for massless fields of arbitrary mixed symmetry in flat space-time. The construction is based on the vertex given in bosonic Open String Field Theory. The algebra of gauge transformations is closed without any additional, higher than cubic, couplings due to the presence of an infinite tower of massless fields. We briefly discuss the generalization of this result to a curved space-time and other possible implications.

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Massive higher spin fields in curved spacetime and necessity of non-minimal couplings

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High Energy Physics - Theory

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Long ago, Newman and Janis showed that a complex deformation $z\rightarrow z+i a$ of the Schwarzschild solution produces the Kerr solution. The underlying explanation for this relationship has remained obscure. The complex deformation has an electromagnetic counterpart: by shifting the Coloumb potential, we obtain the EM field of a certain rotating charge distribution which we term $\sqrt{\rm Kerr}$. In this note, we identify the origin of this shift as arising from the expon...

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