December 13, 2023
Similar papers 2
May 29, 2023
Employing equivariance in neural networks leads to greater parameter efficiency and improved generalization performance through the encoding of domain knowledge in the architecture; however, the majority of existing approaches require an a priori specification of the desired symmetries. We present a neural network architecture, Linear Group Networks (LGNs), for learning linear groups acting on the weight space of neural networks. Linear groups are desirable due to their inher...
November 13, 2023
Understanding the internal representations learned by neural networks is a cornerstone challenge in the science of machine learning. While there have been significant recent strides in some cases towards understanding how neural networks implement specific target functions, this paper explores a complementary question -- why do networks arrive at particular computational strategies? Our inquiry focuses on the algebraic learning tasks of modular addition, sparse parities, and ...
April 27, 2018
We describe generalizations of the universal approximation theorem for neural networks to maps invariant or equivariant with respect to linear representations of groups. Our goal is to establish network-like computational models that are both invariant/equivariant and provably complete in the sense of their ability to approximate any continuous invariant/equivariant map. Our contribution is three-fold. First, in the general case of compact groups we propose a construction of ...
March 5, 2019
In this paper, we develop a theory about the relationship between $G$-invariant/equivariant functions and deep neural networks for finite group $G$. Especially, for a given $G$-invariant/equivariant function, we construct its universal approximator by deep neural network whose layers equip $G$-actions and each affine transformations are $G$-equivariant/invariant. Due to representation theory, we can show that this approximator has exponentially fewer free parameters than usua...
October 24, 2022
Equivariant networks capture the inductive bias about the symmetry of the learning task by building those symmetries into the model. In this paper, we study how equivariance relates to generalization error utilizing PAC Bayesian analysis for equivariant networks, where the transformation laws of feature spaces are determined by group representations. By using perturbation analysis of equivariant networks in Fourier domain for each layer, we derive norm-based PAC-Bayesian gene...
September 11, 2023
We consider the problem of discovering subgroup $H$ of permutation group $S_{n}$. Unlike the traditional $H$-invariant networks wherein $H$ is assumed to be known, we present a method to discover the underlying subgroup, given that it satisfies certain conditions. Our results show that one could discover any subgroup of type $S_{k} (k \leq n)$ by learning an $S_{n}$-invariant function and a linear transformation. We also prove similar results for cyclic and dihedral subgroups...
December 20, 2014
Why does Deep Learning work? What representations does it capture? How do higher-order representations emerge? We study these questions from the perspective of group theory, thereby opening a new approach towards a theory of Deep learning. One factor behind the recent resurgence of the subject is a key algorithmic step called pre-training: first search for a good generative model for the input samples, and repeat the process one layer at a time. We show deeper implications ...
October 9, 2022
Symmetries built into a neural network have appeared to be very beneficial for a wide range of tasks as it saves the data to learn them. We depart from the position that when symmetries are not built into a model a priori, it is advantageous for robust networks to learn symmetries directly from the data to fit a task function. In this paper, we present a method to extract symmetries learned by a neural network and to evaluate the degree to which a network is invariant to them...
December 27, 2020
Group symmetry is inherent in a wide variety of data distributions. Data processing that preserves symmetry is described as an equivariant map and often effective in achieving high performance. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been known as models with equivariance and shown to approximate equivariant maps for some specific groups. However, universal approximation theorems for CNNs have been separately derived with individual techniques according to each group and se...
October 12, 2021
Group equivariant convolutional neural networks (G-CNNs) are generalizations of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which excel in a wide range of technical applications by explicitly encoding symmetries, such as rotations and permutations, in their architectures. Although the success of G-CNNs is driven by their \emph{explicit} symmetry bias, a recent line of work has proposed that the \emph{implicit} bias of training algorithms on particular architectures is key to underst...