December 28, 2023
Similar papers 2
September 22, 2021
We develop a systematic theory of symmetry fractionalization for fermionic topological phases of matter in (2+1)D with a general fermionic symmetry group $G_f$. In general $G_f$ is a central extension of the bosonic symmetry group $G_b$ by fermion parity, $(-1)^F$, characterized by a non-trivial cohomology class $[\omega_2] \in \mathcal{H}^2(G_b, \mathbb{Z}_2)$. We show how the presence of local fermions places a number of constraints on the algebraic data that defines the ac...
November 7, 2024
In this paper, we present a revision of the discrete symmetries (C, P, T, CP, and CPT), within an approach that treats 2-component Weyl spinors as the fundamental building blocks. Then, we discuss some salient aspects of the discrete symmetries within quantum field theory (QFT). Besides the generic discussion, we also consider aspects arising within specific renormalizable theories (such as QED and YM). As a new application of the chiral formulation, we discuss the discrete s...
March 27, 2024
It is common in condensed matter systems for reflection ($R$) and time-reversal ($T$) symmetry to both be broken while the combination $RT$ is preserved. In this paper we study invariants that arise due to $RT$ symmetry. We consider many-body systems of interacting fermions with fermionic symmetry groups $G_f = \mathbb{Z}_2^f \times \mathbb{Z}_2^{RT}$, $U(1)^f \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_2^{RT}$, and $U(1)^f \times \mathbb{Z}_2^{RT}$. We show that (2+1)D invertible fermionic topologic...
February 13, 2018
Parafermion zero modes are generalizations of Majorana modes that underlie comparatively rich non-Abelian-anyon properties. We introduce exact mappings that connect parafermion chains, which can emerge in two-dimensional fractionalized media, to strictly one-dimensional fermionic systems. In particular, we show that parafermion zero modes in the former setting translate into 'symmetry-enriched Majorana modes' that intertwine with a bulk order parameter---yielding braiding and...
August 12, 2022
Boundary conditions for a massless Dirac fermion in 2+1 dimensions where the space is a half-plane are discussed in detail. It is argued that linear boundary conditions that leave the Hamiltonian Hermitian generically break $C$ $P$ and $T$ symmetries as well as Lorentz and conformal symmetry. We show that there is essentially one special case where a single species of fermion has $CPT$ and the full Poincare and conformal symmetry of the boundary. We show that, with doubled fe...
July 17, 2023
In this article, we extend our study on a new class of modular Hamiltonians on an interval attached to the origin on the semi-infinite line, introduced in a recent work dedicated to scalar fields. Here, we shift our attention to fermions and similarly to the scalar case, we investigate the modular Hamiltonians of theories which are obtained through dimensional reduction, this time, of a free massless Dirac field in $d$ dimensions. By following the same methodology, we perform...
February 9, 2005
It is a well known feature of odd space-time dimensions $d$ that there exist two inequivalent fundamental representations $A$ and $B$ of the Dirac gamma matrices. Moreover, the parity transformation swaps the fermion fields living in $A$ and $B$. As a consequence, a parity invariant Lagrangian can only be constructed by incorporating both the representations. Based upon these ideas and contrary to long held belief, we show that in addition to a discrete exchange symmetry for ...
September 2, 2008
Starting from Wigner's symmetry representation theorem, we give a general account of discrete symmetries (parity P, charge conjugation C, time-reversal T), focusing on fermions in Quantum Field Theory. We provide the rules of transformation of Weyl spinors, both at the classical level (grassmanian wave functions) and quantum level (operators). Making use of Wightman's definition of invariance, we outline ambiguities linked to the notion of classical fermionic Lagrangian. We t...
September 16, 2019
We discuss symmetry fractionalization of the Lorentz group in (2+1)$d$ non-spin quantum field theory (QFT), and its implications for dualities. We prove that two inequivalent non-spin QFTs are dual as spin QFTs if and only if they are related by a Lorentz symmetry fractionalization with respect to an anomalous $\mathbb{Z}_2$ one-form symmetry. Moreover, if the framing anomalies of two non-spin QFTs differ by a multiple of 8, then they are dual as spin QFTs if and only if they...
March 21, 2010
Recently, two solutions have been proposed to the long standing problem of $\mathcal{CP}$-symmetry on the lattice, which is particularly evident when considering the construction of chiral gauge theories. The first, based on a lattice modification of $\mathcal{CP}$ was presented by Igarashi and Pawlowski; the second by myself using the renormalisation group and Ginsparg-Wilson relation. In this work, I combine the two approaches and show that they are each part of a more gene...