December 28, 2023
Charge conjugation (C), mirror reflection (R), time reversal (T), and fermion parity $(-1)^{\rm F}$ are basic discrete spacetime and internal symmetries of the Dirac fermions. In this article, we determine the group, called the C-R-T fractionalization, which is a group extension of $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm C}\times\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm R}\times\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm T}$ by the fermion parity $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm F}$, and its extension class in all spacetime dimensions $d$, for a single-particle fermion theory. For Dirac fermions, with the canonical CRT symmetry $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm CRT}$, the C-R-T fractionalization has two possibilities that only depend on spacetime dimensions $d$ modulo 8, which are order-16 nonabelian groups, including the famous Pauli group. For Majorana fermions, we determine the R-T fractionalization in all spacetime dimensions $d=0,1,2,3,4\mod8$, which is an order-8 abelian or nonabelian group. For Weyl fermions, we determine the C or T fractionalization in all even spacetime dimensions $d$, which is an order-4 abelian group. For Majorana-Weyl fermions, we only have an order-2 $\mathbb{Z}_2^{\rm F}$ group. We discuss how the Dirac and Majorana mass terms break the symmetries C, R, or T. We study the domain wall dimensional reduction of the fermions and their C-R-T fractionalization: from $d$-dim Dirac to $(d-1)$-dim Dirac or Weyl; and from $d$-dim Majorana to $(d-1)$-dim Majorana or Majorana-Weyl.
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