ID: 2403.12663

Renormalization of networks with weak geometric coupling

March 19, 2024

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The hidden geometry of weighted complex networks

January 15, 2016

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Antoine Allard, M. Ángeles Serrano, ... , Boguñá Marián
Physics and Society
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The topology of many real complex networks has been conjectured to be embedded in hidden metric spaces, where distances between nodes encode their likelihood of being connected. Besides of providing a natural geometrical interpretation of their complex topologies, this hypothesis yields the recipe for sustainable Internet's routing protocols, sheds light on the hierarchical organization of biochemical pathways in cells, and allows for a rich characterization of the evolution ...

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Renormalization Group Transformation for Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems in Biological Networks

September 10, 2016

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Masamichi Sato
Other Quantitative Biology
Disordered Systems and Neura...
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We apply the renormalization group theory to the dynamical systems with the simplest example of basic biological motifs. This includes the interpretation of complex networks as the perturbation to simple network. This is the first step to build our original framework to infer the properties of biological networks, and the basis work to see its effectiveness to actual complex systems.

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Multiscale network renormalization: scale-invariance without geometry

September 23, 2020

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Elena Garuccio, Margherita Lalli, Diego Garlaschelli
Physics and Society
Disordered Systems and Neura...
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Systems with lattice geometry can be renormalized exploiting their coordinates in metric space, which naturally define the coarse-grained nodes. By contrast, complex networks defy the usual techniques, due to their small-world character and lack of explicit geometric embedding. Current network renormalization approaches require strong assumptions (e.g. community structure, hyperbolicity, scale-free topology), thus remaining incompatible with generic graphs and ordinary lattic...

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Pablo Villegas, Tommaso Gili, ... , Gabrielli Andrea
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The renormalization group is the cornerstone of the modern theory of universality and phase transitions, a powerful tool to scrutinize symmetries and organizational scales in dynamical systems. However, its network counterpart is particularly challenging due to correlations between intertwined scales. To date, the explorations are based on hidden geometries hypotheses. Here, we propose a Laplacian RG diffusion-based picture in complex networks, defining both the Kadanoff supe...

Laplacian Coarse Graining in Complex Networks

February 14, 2023

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Matheus de C. Loures, Alan Albert Piovesana, José Antônio Brum
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

Complex networks can model a range of different systems, from the human brain to social connections. Some of those networks have a large number of nodes and links, making it impractical to analyze them directly. One strategy to simplify these systems is by creating miniaturized versions of the networks that keep their main properties. A convenient tool that applies that strategy is the renormalization group (RG), a methodology used in statistical physics to change the scales ...

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Complex networks renormalization: flows and fixed points

March 25, 2008

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Filippo Radicchi, José Javier Ramasco, ... , Fortunato Santo
Physics and Society
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

Recently, it has been claimed that some complex networks are self-similar under a convenient renormalization procedure. We present a general method to study renormalization flows in graphs. We find that the behavior of some variables under renormalization, such as the maximum number of connections of a node, obeys simple scaling laws, characterized by critical exponents. This is true for any class of graphs, from random to scale-free networks, from lattices to hierarchical gr...

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Renormalized Graph Neural Networks

June 1, 2023

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Francesco Caso, Giovanni Trappolini, Andrea Bacciu, ... , Silvestri Fabrizio
Machine Learning
Data Analysis, Statistics an...

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become essential for studying complex data, particularly when represented as graphs. Their value is underpinned by their ability to reflect the intricacies of numerous areas, ranging from social to biological networks. GNNs can grapple with non-linear behaviors, emerging patterns, and complex connections; these are also typical characteristics of complex systems. The renormalization group (RG) theory has emerged as the language for studying c...

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Small world-Fractal Transition in Complex Networks: Renormalization Group Approach

September 26, 2009

89% Match
Hernán D. Rozenfeld, Chaoming Song, Hernán A. Makse
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

We show that renormalization group (RG) theory applied to complex networks are useful to classify network topologies into universality classes in the space of configurations. The RG flow readily identifies a small-world/fractal transition by finding (i) a trivial stable fixed point of a complete graph, (ii) a non-trivial point of a pure fractal topology that is stable or unstable according to the amount of long-range links in the network, and (iii) another stable point of a f...

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Model-free hidden geometry of complex networks

November 16, 2020

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Yi-Jiao Zhang, Kai-Cheng Yang, Filippo Radicchi
Physics and Society

The fundamental idea of embedding a network in a metric space is rooted in the principle of proximity preservation. Nodes are mapped into points of the space with pairwise distance that reflects their proximity in the network. Popular methods employed in network embedding either rely on implicit approximations of the principle of proximity preservation or implement it by enforcing the geometry of the embedding space, thus hindering geometric properties that networks may spont...

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Complex Networks in the Framework of Nonassociative Geometry

December 28, 2018

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Alexander I. Nesterov, Pablo Héctor Mata Villafuerte
Physics and Society

In the framework of on nonassociative geometry, we introduce a new effective model that extends the statistical treatment of complex networks with hidden geometry. The small-world property of the network is controlled by nonlocal curvature in our model. We use this approach to study the Internet as a complex network embedded in a hyperbolic space. The model yields a remarkable agreement with available empirical data and explains features of Internet connectance data that othe...

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