ID: 2403.17250

Machine learning for moduli space of genus two curves and an application to post-quantum cryptography

March 25, 2024

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Elira Shaska, Tony Shaska
Computer Science
Algebraic Geometry
Cryptography and Security

We use machine learning to study the locus ${\mathcal L}_n$ of genus two curves with $(n, n)$-split Jacobian. More precisely we design a transformer model which given values for the Igusa invariants determines if the corresponding genus two curve is in the locus ${\mathcal L}_n$, for $n=2, 3, 5, 7$. Such curves are important in isogeny based cryptography. During this study we discover that there are no rational points ${\mathfrak p} \in {\mathcal L}_n$ with weighted moduli height $\leq 2$ in any of ${\mathcal L}_2$, ${\mathcal L}_3$, and ${\mathcal L}_5$. This extends on previous work of the authors to use machine learning methods to study the moduli space of genus 2 algebraic curves.

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