ID: cond-mat/0111169

A measure for the complexity of Boolean functions related to their implementation in neural networks

November 9, 2001

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Leonardo Franco
Condensed Matter
Quantitative Biology
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Neurons and Cognition

We define a measure for the complexity of Boolean functions related to their implementation in neural networks, and in particular close related to the generalization ability that could be obtained through the learning process. The measure is computed through the calculus of the number of neighbor examples that differ in their output value. Pairs of these examples have been previously shown to be part of the minimum size training set needed to obtain perfect generalization in feedforward neural networks. The main advantage of the proposed measure, in comparison to existing ones, is the way in which the measure is evaluated, as it can be computed from the definition of the function itself, independently of its implementation. The validity of the proposal is analyzed through numerical simulations performed on different feedforward neural networks architectures, and a good agreement is obtained between the predicted complexity and the generalization ability for different classes of functions. Also an interesting analogy was found between the proposed complexity measure and the energy function of ferromagnetic systems, that could be exploited, by use of the existing results and mathematical tools developed within a statistical mechanics framework, to explore in a more rigorous way the properties of Boolean functions when implemented on neural networks. We conjecture that the proposed measure could help as an useful tool for carrying a systematic study of the computational capabilities of neural networks, essentially by permitting an easy and reliable classification of Boolean functions. Possible extensions of the work are also discussed.

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