ID: cond-mat/0401057

Weighted evolving networks: coupling topology and weights dynamics

January 6, 2004

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A Survey of Evolving Models for Weighted Complex Networks based on their Dynamics and Evolution

December 15, 2020

92% Match
Akrati Saxena
Social and Information Netwo...
Physics and Society

For decades, complex networks, such as social networks, biological networks, chemical networks, technological networks, have been used to study the evolution and dynamics of different kinds of complex systems. These complex systems can be better described using weighted links as binary connections do not portray the complete information of the system. All these weighted networks evolve in a different environment by following different underlying mechanics. Researchers have wo...

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The Structure and Growth of Weighted Networks

August 3, 2009

92% Match
Massimo Riccaboni, Stefano Schiavo
General Finance
Data Analysis, Statistics an...
Physics and Society

We develop a simple theoretical framework for the evolution of weighted networks that is consistent with a number of stylized features of real-world data. In our framework, the Barabasi-Albert model of network evolution is extended by assuming that link weights evolve according to a geometric Brownian motion. Our model is verified by means of simulations and real world trade data. We show that the model correctly predicts the intensity and growth distribution of links, the si...

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Weighted Network Models Based on Local and Global Rules

May 17, 2005

92% Match
Bo Hu, Gang Yan, ... , Chen Wen
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We will introduce two evolving models that characterize weighted complex networks. Though the microscopic dynamics are different, these models are found to bear a similar mathematical framework, and hence exhibit some common behaviors, for example, the power-law distributions and evolution of degree, weight and strength. We also study the nontrivial clustering coefficient C and tunable degree assortativity coefficient r, depending on specific parameters. Most results are supp...

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Effects of accelerating growth on the evolution of weighted complex networks

April 13, 2007

92% Match
Zhongzhi Zhang, Lujun Fang, ... , Guan Jihong
Physics and Society

Many real systems possess accelerating statistics where the total number of edges grows faster than the network size. In this paper, we propose a simple weighted network model with accelerating growth. We derive analytical expressions for the evolutions and distributions for strength, degree, and weight, which are relevant to accelerating growth. We also find that accelerating growth determines the clustering coefficient of the networks. Interestingly, the distributions for s...

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Generalized BBV Models for Weighted Complex Networks

May 17, 2005

91% Match
Bo Hu, Gang Yan, ... , Chen Wen
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...

We will introduce two evolving models that characterize weighted complex networks. Though the microscopic dynamics are different, these models are found to bear a similar mathematical framework, and hence exhibit some common behaviors, for example, the power-law distributions and evolution of degree, weight and strength. We also study the nontrivial clustering coefficient C and tunable degree assortativity coefficient r, depending on specific parameters. Most results are supp...

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Nonlocal evolution of weighted scale-free networks

October 4, 2004

91% Match
K. -I. Goh, B. Kahng, D. Kim
Statistical Mechanics

We introduce the notion of globally updating evolution for a class of weighted networks, in which the weight of a link is characterized by the amount of data packet transport flowing through it. By noting that the packet transport over the network is determined nonlocally, this approach can explain the generic nonlinear scaling between the strength and the degree of a node. We demonstrate by a simple model that the strength-driven evolution scheme recently introduced can be g...

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Emergence of weight-topology correlations in complex scale-free networks

December 15, 2004

91% Match
Ginestra Bianconi
Disordered Systems and Neura...

Different weighted scale-free networks show weights-topology correlations indicated by the non linear scaling of the node strength with node connectivity. In this paper we show that networks with and without weight-topology correlations can emerge from the same simple growth dynamics of the node connectivities and of the link weights. A weighted fitness network is introduced in which both nodes and links are assigned intrinsic fitness. This model can show a local dependence o...

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Traffic-driven model of the World Wide Web graph

May 20, 2004

91% Match
Alain Barrat, Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Vespignani
Networking and Internet Arch...
Statistical Mechanics

We propose a model for the World Wide Web graph that couples the topological growth with the traffic's dynamical evolution. The model is based on a simple traffic-driven dynamics and generates weighted directed graphs exhibiting the statistical properties observed in the Web. In particular, the model yields a non-trivial time evolution of vertices and heavy-tail distributions for the topological and traffic properties. The generated graphs exhibit a complex architecture with ...

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A note on "Weighted Evolving Networks: Coupling Topology and Weight Dynamics"

June 25, 2004

91% Match
R. V. R. Pandya
Other Condensed Matter

We discuss a newly proposed model by Barrat et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 228701, 2004) for weighted evolving networks and suggest yet another model which can be viewed in the framework of worldwide airport network as "busy airports get busier".

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Evolving Model of Weighted Networks Inspired by Scientific Collaboration Networks

January 27, 2005

91% Match
Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Dahui Wang, Tao Zhou, ... , Fan Ying
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

Inspired by scientific collaboration networks, especially our empirical analysis of the network of econophysicists, an evolutionary model for weighted networks is proposed. Both degree-driven and weight-driven models are considered. Compared with the BA model and other evolving models with preferential attachment, there are two significant generalizations. First, besides the new vertex added in at every time step, old vertices can also attempt to build up new links, or to rec...

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