ID: cond-mat/0405076

Growing Networks with Enhanced Resilience to Perturbation

May 5, 2004

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Markus Brede, John Finnigan
Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

Scale-free (SF) networks and small world networks have been found to occur in very diverse contexts. It is this striking universality which makes one look for widely applicable mechanisms which lead to the formation of such networks. In this letter we propose a new mechanism for the construction of SF networks: Evolving networks as interaction networks of systems which are distinguished by their stability if perturbed out of equilibrium. Stability is measured by the largest real part of any eigenvalue of a matrix associated with the graph. We extend the model to weighted directed networks and report power law behaviour of the link strength distribution of the weighted graphs in the SF regime. The model we propose for the first time relates SF networks to stability properties of the underlying dynamical system.

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