October 21, 1999
Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the world wide web are best described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free power-law distribution. This feature is found to be a consequence of the two generic mechanisms that networks expand continuously by the addition of new vertices, and new vertices attach preferentially to already well connected sites. A model based on these two ingredie...
May 31, 2007
The largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of a network plays an important role in several network processes (e.g., synchronization of oscillators, percolation on directed networks, linear stability of equilibria of network coupled systems, etc.). In this paper we develop approximations to the largest eigenvalue of adjacency matrices and discuss the relationships between these approximations. Numerical experiments on simulated networks are used to test our results.
June 27, 2022
Quantifying the eigenvalue spectra of large random matrices allows one to understand the factors that contribute to the stability of dynamical systems with many interacting components. This work explores the effect that the interaction network between components has on the eigenvalue spectrum. We build upon previous results, which usually only take into account the mean degree of the network, by allowing for non-trivial network degree heterogeneity. We derive closed-form expr...
May 7, 2002
We consider a growing network, whose growth algorithm is based on the preferential attachment typical for scale-free constructions, but where the long-range bonds are disadvantaged. Thus, the probability to get connected to a site at distance $d$ is proportional to $d^{-\alpha}$, where $\alpha $ is a tunable parameter of the model. We show that the properties of the networks grown with $\alpha <1$ are close to those of the genuine scale-free construction, while for $\alpha >1...
July 9, 2020
The stable functionality of networked systems is a hallmark of their natural ability to coordinate between their multiple interacting components. Yet, strikingly, real-world networks seem random and highly irregular, apparently lacking any design for stability. What then are the naturally emerging organizing principles of complex-system stability? Encoded within the system's stability matrix, the Jacobian, the answer is obscured by the scale and diversity of the relevant syst...
April 22, 2002
We found that models of evolving random networks exhibit dynamic scaling similar to scaling of growing surfaces. It is demonstrated by numerical simulations of two variants of the model in which nodes are added as well as removed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5587 (1999)]. The averaged size and connectivity of the network increase as power-laws in early times but later saturate. Saturated values and times of saturation change with paramaters controlling the local evolution of the net...
April 7, 2008
The recent discovery of universal principles underlying many complex networks occurring across a wide range of length scales in the biological world has spurred physicists in trying to understand such features using techniques from statistical physics and non-linear dynamics. In this paper, we look at a few examples of biological networks to see how similar questions can come up in very different contexts. We review some of our recent work that looks at how network structure ...
September 28, 2015
Scale-free power law structure describes complex networks derived from a wide range of real world processes. The extensive literature focuses almost exclusively on networks with power law exponent strictly larger than 2, which can be explained by constant vertex growth and preferential attachment. The complementary scale-free behavior in the range between 1 and 2 has been mostly neglected as atypical because there is no known generating mechanism to explain how networks with ...
January 15, 2003
Complex networks as the World Wide Web, the web of human sexual contacts or criminal networks often do not have an engineered architecture but instead are self-organized by the actions of a large number of individuals. From these local interactions non-trivial global phenomena can emerge as small-world properties or scale-free degree distributions. A simple model for the evolution of acquaintance networks highlights the essential dynamical ingredients necessary to obtain such...
August 4, 2011
Co-evolution exhibited by a network system, involving the intricate interplay between the dynamics of the network itself and the subsystems connected by it, is a key concept for understanding the self-organized, flexible nature of real-world network systems. We propose a simple model of such co-evolving network dynamics, in which the diffusion of a resource over a weighted network and the resource-driven evolution of the link weights occur simultaneously. We demonstrate that,...