January 5, 2005
Similar papers 2
October 17, 2005
We study the Boolean dynamics of the "quenched" Kauffman models with a directed scale-free network, comparing with that of the original directed random Kauffman networks and that of the directed exponential-fluctuation networks. We have numerically investigated the distributions of the state cycle lengths and its changes as the network size $N$ and the average degree $<k>$ of nodes increase. In the relatively small network ($N \sim 150$), the median, the mean value and the st...
November 12, 2009
Using analytic arguments, we show that dynamical attractor periods in large critical Boolean networks are power-law distributed. Our arguments are based on the method of relevant components, which focuses on the behavior of the nodes that control the dynamics of the entire network and thus determine the attractors. Assuming that the attractor period is equal to the least common multiple of the size of all relevant components, we show that the distribution in large networks is...
December 12, 2002
Random Boolean networks, originally invented as models of genetic regulatory networks, are simple models for a broad class of complex systems that show rich dynamical structures. From a biological perspective, the most interesting networks lie at or near a critical point in parameter space that divides ``ordered'' from ``chaotic'' attractor dynamics. In the ordered regime, we show rigorously that the average number of relevant nodes (the ones that determine the attractor dyna...
The Kauffman model of genetic computation highlights the importance of criticality at the border of order and chaos. But our understanding of its behavior is incomplete, and much of what we do know relies on heuristic arguments. To better understand the model and obtain more rigorous insights, we show that there are fundamental links between the critical Kauffman model and aspects of number theory. Using these connections, we prove that the number of attractors and the mean a...
June 22, 2007
This review explains in a self-contained way the properties of random Boolean networks and their attractors, with a special focus on critical networks. Using small example networks, analytical calculations, phenomenological arguments, and problems to solve, the basic concepts are introduced and important results concerning phase diagrams, numbers of relevant nodes and attractor properties are derived.
November 4, 2004
Boolean networks at the critical point have been a matter of debate for many years as, e.g., scaling of number of attractor with system size. Recently it was found that this number scales superpolynomially with system size, contrary to a common earlier expectation of sublinear scaling. We here point to the fact that these results are obtained using deterministic parallel update, where a large fraction of attractors in fact are an artifact of the updating scheme. This limits t...
February 5, 2004
In this paper we try to end the debate concerning the suitability of different updating schemes in random Boolean networks (RBNs). We quantify for the first time loose attractors in asyncrhonous RBNs, which allows us to analyze the complexity reduction related to different updating schemes. We also report that all updating schemes yield very similar critical stability values, meaning that the "edge of chaos" does not depend much on the updating scheme. After discussion, we co...
August 28, 1997
This is the second paper of a series of two about the structural properties that influence the asymptotic dynamics of Random Boolean Networks. Here we study the functionally independent clusters in which the relevant elements, introduced and studied in our first paper, are subdivided. We show that the phase transition in Random Boolean Networks can also be described as a percolation transition. The statistical properties of the clusters of relevant elements (that we call modu...
June 20, 2006
Random Boolean networks were introduced in 1969 by Kauffman as a model for gene regulation. By combining analytical arguments and efficient numerical simulations, we evaluate the properties of relevant components of critical random Boolean networks independently of update scheme. As known from previous work, the number of relevant components grows logarithmically with network size. We find that in most networks all relevant nodes with more than one relevant input sit in the s...
January 9, 2007
We investigate Threshold Random Boolean Networks with $K = 2$ inputs per node, which are equivalent to Kauffman networks, with only part of the canalyzing functions as update functions. According to the simplest consideration these networks should be critical but it turns out that they show a rich variety of behaviors, including periodic and chaotic oscillations. The results are supported by analytical calculations and computer simulations.