May 17, 2005
Similar papers 2
August 7, 2004
In search of many social and economical systems, it is found that node strength distribution as well as degree distribution demonstrate the behavior of power-law with droop-head and heavy-tail. We present a new model for the growth of weighted networks considering the connection of nodes with low strengths. Numerical simulations indicate that this network model yields three power-law distributions of the node degrees, node strengths and connection weights. Particularly, the d...
August 19, 2014
Complex network theory has been used to study complex systems. However, many real-life systems involve multiple kinds of objects . They can't be described by simple graphs. In order to provide complete information of these systems, we extend the concept of evolving models of complex networks to hypernetworks. In this work, we firstly propose a non-uniform hypernetwork model with attractiveness, and obtain the stationary average hyperdegree distribution of the non-uniform hype...
May 17, 2005
In most networks, the connection between a pair of nodes is the result of their mutual affinity and attachment. In this letter, we will propose a Mutual Attraction Model to characterize weighted evolving networks. By introducing the initial attractiveness $A$ and the general mechanism of mutual attraction (controlled by parameter $m$), the model can naturally reproduce scale-free distributions of degree, weight and strength, as found in many real systems. Simulation results a...
April 13, 2007
Many real systems possess accelerating statistics where the total number of edges grows faster than the network size. In this paper, we propose a simple weighted network model with accelerating growth. We derive analytical expressions for the evolutions and distributions for strength, degree, and weight, which are relevant to accelerating growth. We also find that accelerating growth determines the clustering coefficient of the networks. Interestingly, the distributions for s...
April 4, 2005
For most networks, the connection between two nodes is the result of their mutual affinity and attachment. In this paper, we propose a mutual selection model to characterize the weighted networks. By introducing a general mechanism of mutual selection, the model can produce power-law distributions of degree, weight and strength, as confirmed in many real networks. Moreover, we also obtained the nontrivial clustering coefficient $C$, degree assortativity coefficient $r$ and de...
September 15, 2006
Motivated by a recently introduced network growth mechanism that rely on the ranking of node prestige measures [S. Fortunato \emph{et al}., Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{96}, 218701 (2006)], a rank-based model for weighted network evolution is studied. The evolution rule of the network is based on the ranking of node strength, which couples the topological growth and the weight dynamics. Both analytical solutions and numerical simulations show that the generated networks possess s...
August 3, 2009
We develop a simple theoretical framework for the evolution of weighted networks that is consistent with a number of stylized features of real-world data. In our framework, the Barabasi-Albert model of network evolution is extended by assuming that link weights evolve according to a geometric Brownian motion. Our model is verified by means of simulations and real world trade data. We show that the model correctly predicts the intensity and growth distribution of links, the si...
January 15, 2007
We present a novel type of weighted scale-free network model, in which the weight grows independently of the attachment of new nodes. The evolution of this network is thus determined not only by the preferential attachment of new nodes to existing nodes but also by self-growing weight of existing links based on a simple weight-driven rule. This model is analytically tractable, so that the various statistical properties, such as the distribution of weight, can be derived. Fina...
December 15, 2004
Different weighted scale-free networks show weights-topology correlations indicated by the non linear scaling of the node strength with node connectivity. In this paper we show that networks with and without weight-topology correlations can emerge from the same simple growth dynamics of the node connectivities and of the link weights. A weighted fitness network is introduced in which both nodes and links are assigned intrinsic fitness. This model can show a local dependence o...
November 29, 2015
Real world complex networks are scale free and possess meso-scale properties like core-periphery and community structure. We study evolution of the core over time in real world networks. This paper proposes evolving models for both unweighted and weighted scale free networks having local and global core-periphery as well as community structure. Network evolves using topological growth, self growth, and weight distribution function. To validate the correctness of proposed mode...