April 20, 1994
We present an exact solution to an interface model representing the dynamics of a domain wall in a two-phase Ising system. The model is microscopically motivated, yet we find that in the scaling regime our results are consistent with those obtained previously from a phenomenological, coarse-grained Langevin approach.
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October 26, 2005
We present in this paper an exact study concerning a first order transition induced by an inhomogeneous boundary magnetic field in the 2D Ising model. From a previous analysis of the interfacial free energy in the discrete case (J. Phys. A, 2849, 2005), we identify, using an asymptotic expansion in the thermodynamic limit, the transition line that separates the regime where the interface is localised near the boundary from the regime where it is propagating inside the bulk. I...
December 2, 1996
We study the kinetic roughening of a driven domain wall between spin-up and spin-down domains for a model with non-conserved order parameter and quenched disorder. To understand the scaling behavior of this interface we construct an equation of motion and study it theoretically.
September 19, 2022
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 120601] we have shown that the dynamics of interfaces, in the symmetry-broken phase of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic quantum Ising model, displays a robust form of ergodicity breaking. In this paper, we elaborate more on the issue. First, we discuss two classes of initial states on the square lattice, the dynamics of which is driven by complementary terms in the effective Hamiltonian and may be solved exactly: (a) strips of consecu...
January 30, 2014
The ensemble-switch method for computing wall excess free energies of condensed matter is extended to estimate the interface free energies between coexisting phases very accurately. By this method, system geometries with linear dimensions $L$ parallel and $L_z$ perpendicular to the interface with various boundary conditions in the canonical or grandcanonical ensemble can be studied. Using two- and three-dimensional Ising models, the nature of the occurring logarithmic finite ...
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With Monte Carlo methods, we investigate the relaxation dynamics of a domain wall in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model with a driving field. The short-time dynamic behavior at the depinning transition is carefully examined, and the roughening process of the domain wall is observed. Based on the short-time dynamic scaling form, we accurately determine the transition field, static and dynamic exponents, and local and global roughness exponents. In contrast to the usu...
March 9, 2021
We consider three-dimensional statistical systems at phase coexistence in the half-volume with boundary conditions leading to the presence of an interface. Working slightly below the critical temperature, where universal properties emerge, we show how the problem can be studied analytically from first principles, starting from the degrees of freedom (particle modes) of the bulk field theory. After deriving the passage probability of the interface and the order parameter profi...
April 14, 2021
We consider phase separation on the strip for the two-dimensional Ising model in the near-critical region. Within the framework of field theory, we find exact analytic results for certain two- and three-point correlation functions of the order parameter field. The analytic results for order parameter correlations, energy density profile, subleading corrections and passage probability density of the interface are confirmed by accurate Monte Carlo simulations we performed.
July 3, 2012
We investigate the interface dynamics of the two-dimensional stochastic Ising model in an external field under helicoidal boundary conditions. At sufficiently low temperatures and fields, the dynamics of the interface is described by an exactly solvable high-spin asymmetric quantum Hamiltonian that is the infinitesimal generator of the zero range process. Generally, the critical dynamics of the interface fluctuations is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of critica...
November 17, 1994
The response and nonconserved dynamics of a two-phase interface in the presence of a temperature gradient oriented normally to the interface are considered. Two types of boundary conditions on the order parameter are considered, and the structure of the effective free energy and the Langevin equation for the collective coordinate specifying the interface position are analyzed.