June 21, 2012
We study phase separation in two dimensions in the scaling limit below criticality. The general form of the magnetization profile as the volume goes to infinity is determined exactly within the field theoretical framework which explicitly takes into account the topological nature of the elementary excitations. The result known for the Ising model from its lattice solution is recovered as a particular case. In the asymptotic infrared limit the interface behaves as a simple cur...
June 26, 2020
Controlling interfaces is highly relevant from a technological point of view. However, their rich and complex behavior makes them very difficult to describe theoretically, and hence to predict. In this work, we establish a procedure to connect two levels of descriptions of interfaces: for a bulk description, we consider a two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model evolving with a Langevin equation, and boundary conditions imposing the formation of a rectilinear domain wall. At thi...
April 26, 2021
We derive exact analytic results for several four-point correlation functions for statistical models exhibiting phase separation in two-dimensions. Our theoretical results are then specialized to the Ising model on the two-dimensional strip and found to be in excellent agreement with high-precision Monte Carlo simulations.
February 17, 1997
We discuss static and dynamic fluctuations of domain walls separating areas of constant but different slopes in steady-state configurations of crystalline surfaces both by an analytic treatment of the appropriate Langevin equation and by numerical simulations. In contrast to other situations that describe the dynamics in Ising-like systems such as models A and B, we find that the dynamic exponent z=2 that governs the domain wall relaxation function is not equal to the inverse...
August 24, 2007
We propose a simple effective model for the description of interfaces in 2d statistical models, based on the first-order treatment of an action corresponding to the length of the interface. The universal prediction of this model for the interface free energy agrees with the result of an exact calculation in the case of the 2d Ising model. This model appears as a dimensional reduction of the Nambu-Goto stringy description of interfaces in 3d, i.e., of the capillary wave model.
July 12, 2012
The effect of a localized drive on the steady state of an interface separating two phases in coexistence is studied. This is done using a spin conserving kinetic Ising model on a two dimensional lattice with cylindrical boundary conditions, where a drive is applied along a single ring on which the interface separating the two phases is centered. The drive is found to induce an interface spontaneous symmetry breaking whereby the magnetization of the driven ring becomes non-zer...
January 7, 2014
With Monte Carlo simulations, the nonsteady dynamics properties of a domain wall have been systematically investigated for the thermally activated creep state under an alternating driving field. Taking the driven random-field Ising model in two dimensions as an example, two distinct growth stages of the domain interface are identified with both the correlation length and roughness function. One stage belongs to the universality class of the random depositions, and the other t...
March 20, 2013
We consider an Ising model on a square grid with ferromagnetic spin-spin interactions spanning beyond nearest neighbors. Starting from initial states with a single unbounded interface separating ordered phases, we investigate the evolution of the interface subject to zero-temperature spin-flip dynamics. We consider an interface which is initially (i) the boundary of the quadrant, or (ii) the boundary of a semi-infinite stripe. In the former case the interface recedes from its...
September 22, 2003
We investigate the evolution of a single unbounded interface between ordered phases in two-dimensional Ising ferromagnets that are endowed with single-spin-flip zero-temperature Glauber dynamics. We examine specifically the cases where the interface initially has either one or two corners. In both examples, the interface evolves to a limiting self-similar form. We apply the continuum time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation and a microscopic approach to calculate the interface...
November 5, 2015
We study the effect of a one-dimensional driving field on the interface between two coexisting phases in a two dimensional model. This is done by considering an Ising model on a cylinder with Glauber dynamics in all sites and additional biased Kawasaki dynamics in the central ring. Based on the exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model, we are able to compute the phase diagram of the driven model within a special limit of fast drive and slow spin flips in the central ...