ID: hep-lat/0011069

Thermodynamics of free domain wall and overlap fermions

November 16, 2000

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George T. The Ohio State University Fleming
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

Studies of non-interacting lattice fermions give an estimate of the size of discretization errors and finite size effects for more interesting problems like finite temperature QCD. We present a calculation of the thermodynamic equation of state for free domain wall and overlap fermions.

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Thermodynamics of free Domain Wall fermions

November 19, 2008

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R. V. Gavai, Sayantan Sharma
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

Studying various thermodynamic quantities for the free domain wall fermions for both finite and infinite fifth dimensional extent N_5, we find that the lattice corrections are minimum for $N_T\geq10$ for both energy density and susceptibility, for its irrelevant parameter M in the range 1.45-1.50. The correction terms are, however, quite large for small lattice sizes of $N_T\leq8$. We propose modifications of the domain wall operator, as well as the overlap operator, to reduc...

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Finite Temperature QCD with Domain Wall Fermions

April 30, 2004

89% Match
George Tamminga Columbia University Fleming
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

Domain wall fermions are a new lattice fermion formulation which preserves the full chiral symmetry of the continuum at finite lattice spacing, up to terms exponentially small in an extra parameter. We discuss the main features of the formulation and its application to study of QCD with two light fermions of equal mass. We also present numerical studies of the two flavor QCD thermodynamics with aT = 1/4.

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Overlap and domain wall fermions: what is the price of chirality?

November 30, 2001

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Karl Jansen
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

In this contribution the costs of simulations employing domain wall and overlap fermions are estimated. In the discussion we will stay within the quenched approximation.

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Towards QCD thermodynamics using exact chiral symmetry on lattice

May 19, 2008

88% Match
R. V. Gavai, Sayantan Sharma
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

The thermodynamics of massless ideal gas of overlap quarks has been investigated numerically for both zero and nonzero baryon chemical potential $\mu$. While the parameter M has been shown to be irrelevant in the continuum limit, it is shown numerically that the continuum limit can be reached with relatively coarser lattices for certain range of M. Numerical limitation of the existing method of introduction of chemical potential in the overlap formalism is discussed. We have ...

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Dynamical lattice QCD thermodynamics with domain wall fermions

October 22, 1999

88% Match
George T. Columbia University Fleming
High Energy Physics - Phenom...
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We present results from simulations of two flavor QCD thermodynamics at N_t=4 with domain wall fermions. In contrast to other lattice fermion formulations, domain wall fermions preserve the full chiral symmetry of the continuum at finite lattice spacing (up to terms exponentially small in an extra parameter). Just above the phase transition, we find that the axial U(1) symmetry is broken only by a small amount. We discuss an ongoing calculation to determine the order and prop...

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Truncated Overlap Fermions: the link between Overlap and Domain Wall Fermions

December 21, 1999

87% Match
Artan Borici
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

In this talk I will emphasize the role of the Truncated Overlap Fermions in showing the equivalence between the Domain Wall and Overlap Fermions up to an irrelevant factor in the fermionic integration measure. I will also show how Domain Wall type fermions with a finite number of flavors can be used to accelerate propagator calculations of their light partner in the infinite flavor limit.

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Domain wall fermions in vector theories

January 11, 2000

86% Match
P. Vranas
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...
Nuclear Theory

Applications of Domain Wall fermions to various vector-like lattice theories are reviewed with an emphasis on QCD thermodynamics. Methods for improving their chiral properties at strong coupling are discussed and results from implementing them are presented.

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Domain wall fermions at finite temperature

September 17, 1998

86% Match
J. -F. Lagae, D. K. Sinclair
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We investigate the properties of domain wall fermions on a set of quenched configurations at non-zero temperature. In particular, we compute the low lying eigenvalues of the DWF operator and study their relation with topology, level crossings and chiral symmetry breaking. We also measure the screening correlators and discuss the dependence on the extent of the extra dimension and the quark mass.

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Dynamical QCD thermodynamics with domain wall fermions

September 21, 1998

86% Match
P. Chen, N. Christ, G. Fleming, A. Kaehler, C. Malureanu, R. Mawhinney, G. Siegert, C. Sui, ... , Zhestkov Y.
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We present results from numerical simulations of full, two flavor QCD thermodynamics at N_t=4 with domain wall fermions. For the first time a numerical simulation of the full QCD phase transition displays a low temperature phase with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking but intact flavor symmetry and a high temperature phase with the full SU(2) x SU(2) chiral flavor symmetry.

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A note on ultraviolet suppressed quasi-optimal domain wall fermions

November 1, 2002

85% Match
Artan Borici
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

In a recent work Chiu proposed to modify domain wall fermions that allow in an optimal way fewer number of flavors than in the standard case. This is done using a variant of doamin wall fermions, the so-called truncated overlap fermions. In this note I discuss the possibility to implement his proposal for the original variant of domain wall fermions. I make also some remarks on dynamical simulations with ultraviolet suppressed domain wall fermions.

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