ID: hep-lat/0011069

Thermodynamics of free domain wall and overlap fermions

November 16, 2000

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Thermodynamics with M\"obius domain wall fermions near physical point II

March 10, 2023

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We report on our finite temperature 2+1 flavor lattice QCD simulation to study the thermodynamic properties of QCD near the (pseudo) critical point employing $N_T=12$ and $16$. The simulation points are chosen along the lines of constant physics. The quark mass for M\"obius domain-wall fermion are tuned by taking into account the residual mass either by fine-tuning the input quark masses or by post-process using reweighting. In this talk, we focus on simulation details and pr...

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Domain-wall and overlap fermions at nonzero quark chemical potential

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We have recently given a construction of the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero quark chemical potential. Here, we introduce a quark chemical potential in the domain-wall fermion formalism and show that our earlier result is reproduced if the extent of the fifth dimension is taken to infinity and its lattice spacing is taken to zero. We also extend this result to include a bare quark mass, consider its continuum limit, and prove a number of properties of the overlap operator a...

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Thermodynamics of the ideal overlap quarks on the lattice

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The thermodynamics of massless ideal gas of overlap quarks has been investigated both analytically and numerically for both zero and nonzero baryon chemical potential. Any \mu^2-divergence is shown analytically to be absent for a class of actions with nonzero chemical potential. All such actions are shown to violate chiral invariance. While the parameter M can be shown to be irrelevant in the continuum limit, as expected, it is shown numerically that the continuum limit can b...

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Properties of Overlap and Domain Wall Fermions in the 2+1D Thirring Model

December 6, 2021

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Jude Worthy, Simon Hands
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We present some results pertaining to partially quenched formulations of the overlap/domain wall operator with the Thirring model in 2+1D. Auxiliary fields are generated with a Shamir domain wall approach and measurements of eigenvalues and condensates are contrasted with different overlap operators. The numerical challenge posed by a non-compact formulation is highlighted, and the effective use of lower accuracy sea fermions is demonstrated.

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A first study of epsilon'/epsilon on the lattice using domain wall fermions

August 18, 1999

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T. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Blum, P. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Chen, N. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Christ, C. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Dawson, G. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Fleming, R. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Mawhinney, S. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Ohta, S. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Sasaki, G. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Siegert, A. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Soni, P. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Vranas, M. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration Wingate, ... , Zhestkov Y. RIKEN-BNL-Columbia Collaboration
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This paper has been withdrawn.

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Domain wall fermions and applications

November 15, 2000

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Pavlos Vranas
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

Domain wall fermions provide a complimentary alternative to traditional lattice fermion approaches. By introducing an extra dimension, the amount of chiral symmetry present in the lattice theory can be controlled in a linear way. This results in improved chiral properties as well as robust topological zero modes. A brief introduction on the subject and a discussion of chiral properties and applications, such as zero and finite temperature QCD, N = 1 super Yang-Mills, and four...

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Heat-Kernel Approach to the Overlap Formalism

December 16, 1999

84% Match
Shoichi Ichinose
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We present a new regularization method, for d dim (Euclidean) quantum field theories in the continuum formalism, based on the domain wall configuration in (1+d) dim space-time. It is inspired by the recent progress in the chiral fermions on lattice. The wall "height" is given by 1/M, where M is a regularization mass parameter and appears as a (1+d) dim Dirac fermion mass. The present approach gives a {\it thermodynamic view} to the domain wall or the overlap formalism in the ...

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Phase structure of lattice QCD with Wilson and Neuberger quarks at finite temperature and density

October 25, 2005

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We review our results for lattice QCD at finite temperature and density from analytical and numerical calculations with Wilson fermions and overlap fermions.

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The finite temperature QCD phase transition with domain wall fermions

June 6, 2000

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P. Chen, N. Christ, G. Fleming, A. Kaehler, C. Malureanu, R. Mawhinney, G. Siegert, C. Sui, P. Vranas, ... , Zhestkov Y.
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The domain wall formulation of lattice fermions is expected to support accurate chiral symmetry, even at finite lattice spacing. Here we attempt to use this new fermion formulation to simulate two-flavor, finite temperature QCD near the chiral phase transition. In this initial study, a variety of quark masses, domain wall heights and domain wall separations are explored using an 8^3 x 4 lattice. Both the expectation value of the Wilson line and the chiral condensate show the ...

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Alternative to Domain Wall Fermions

November 14, 2001

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H. Rutgers Neuberger
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

An alternative to commonly used domain wall fermions is presented. Some rigorous bounds on the condition number of the associated linear problem are derived. On the basis of these bounds and some experimentation it is argued that domain wall fermions will in general be associated with a condition number that is of the same order of magnitude as the {\it product} of the condition number of the linear problem in the physical dimensions by the inverse bare quark mass. Thus, the ...

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