January 30, 2006
We obtain a simple expression for the triangle `t Hooft anomalies in quiver gauge theories that are dual to toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. We utilize the result and simplify considerably the proof concerning the equivalence of a-maximization and Z-minimization. We also resolve the ambiguity in defining the flavor charges in quiver gauge theories. We then compare coefficients of the triangle anomalies with coefficients of the current-current correlators and find perfect agreement.
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July 20, 2006
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November 29, 2004
We describe an infinite family of quiver gauge theories that are AdS/CFT dual to a corresponding class of explicit horizon Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. The quivers may be obtained from a family of orbifold theories by a simple iterative procedure. A key aspect in their construction relies on the global symmetry which is dual to the isometry of the manifolds. For an arbitrary such quiver we compute the exact R-charges of the fields in the IR by applying a-maximization. The value...
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In this note, we discuss some properties of the quiver BPS algebras. We consider how they would transform under different operations on the toric quivers, such as dualities and higgsing. We also give free field realizations of the algebras, in particular for the chiral quivers.
January 17, 2019
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