ID: hep-th/0601223

Comments on Anomalies and Charges of Toric-Quiver Duals

January 30, 2006

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Quantum Deformations from Toric Geometry

November 3, 2005

80% Match
Samuel Pinansky
High Energy Physics - Theory

We will demonstrate how calculations in toric geometry can be used to compute quantum corrections to the relations in the chiral ring for certain gauge theories. We focus on the gauge theory of the del Pezzo 2, and derive the chiral ring relations and quantum deformations to the vacuum moduli space using Affleck-Dine-Seiberg superpotential arguments. Then we calculate the versal deformation to the corresponding toric geometry using a method due to Altmann, and show that the r...

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Counting Chiral Operators in Quiver Gauge Theories

May 18, 2007

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Agostino Butti, Davide Forcella, Amihay Hanany, ... , Zaffaroni Alberto
High Energy Physics - Theory

We discuss in detail the problem of counting BPS gauge invariant operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on D-branes probing generic toric CY singularities. The computation of generating functions that include counting of baryonic operators is based on a relation between the baryonic charges in field theory and the Kaehler moduli of the CY singularities. A study of the interplay between gauge theory and geometry shows that given geometrical sectors appear...

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Gauge Theories from Toric Geometry and Brane Tilings

May 24, 2005

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Sebastian Franco, Amihay Hanany, Dario Martelli, James Sparks, ... , Wecht Brian
High Energy Physics - Theory

We provide a general set of rules for extracting the data defining a quiver gauge theory from a given toric Calabi-Yau singularity. Our method combines information from the geometry and topology of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, AdS/CFT, dimers, and brane tilings. We explain how the field content, quantum numbers, and superpotential of a superconformal gauge theory on D3-branes probing a toric Calabi-Yau singularity can be deduced. The infinite family of toric singularities with ...

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Toric Geometry, Sasaki-Einstein Manifolds and a New Infinite Class of AdS/CFT Duals

November 26, 2004

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Dario Martelli, James Sparks
Differential Geometry

Recently an infinite family of explicit Sasaki-Einstein metrics Y^{p,q} on S^2 x S^3 has been discovered, where p and q are two coprime positive integers, with q<p. These give rise to a corresponding family of Calabi-Yau cones, which moreover are toric. Aided by several recent results in toric geometry, we show that these are Kahler quotients C^4//U(1), namely the vacua of gauged linear sigma models with charges (p,p,-p+q,-p-q), thereby generalising the conifold, which is p=1...

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Probing bad theories with the dualization algorithm II

January 25, 2024

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Simone Giacomelli, Chiung Hwang, Fabio Marino, ... , Sacchi Matteo
High Energy Physics - Theory

We continue our analysis of bad theories, focusing on quiver theories with bad unitary and special unitary gauge groups in three dimensions. By extending the dualization algorithm we prove that the partition function of bad linear quivers can be written as a distribution, given by a sum of terms involving a product of delta functions times the partition function of a good quiver theory. We describe in detail the good quiver theories appearing in the partition function of the ...

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Quiver Gauge Theories: Beyond Reflexivity

April 11, 2020

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Jiakang Bao, Grace Beaney Colverd, Yang-Hui He
Algebraic Geometry

Reflexive polygons have been extensively studied in a variety of contexts in mathematics and physics. We generalize this programme by looking at the 45 different lattice polygons with two interior points up to SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$) equivalence. Each corresponds to some affine toric 3-fold as a cone over a Sasaki-Einstein 5-fold. We study the quiver gauge theories of D3-branes probing these cones, which coincide with the mesonic moduli space. The minimum of the volume function of...

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M2-Branes and Quiver Chern-Simons: A Taxonomic Study

November 25, 2008

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Amihay Hanany, Yang-Hui He
Algebraic Geometry

We initiate a systematic investigation of the space of 2+1 dimensional quiver gauge theories, emphasising a succinct "forward algorithm". Few "order parametres" are introduced such as the number of terms in the superpotential and the number of gauge groups. Starting with two terms in the superpotential, we find a generating function, with interesting geometric interpretation, which counts the number of inequivalent theories for a given number of gauge groups and fields. We de...

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A New Infinite Class of Quiver Gauge Theories

March 23, 2005

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Amihay Hanany, Pavlos Kazakopoulos, Brian Wecht
High Energy Physics - Theory

We construct a new infinite family of N=1 quiver gauge theories which can be Higgsed to the Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories. The dual geometries are toric Calabi-Yau cones for which we give the toric data. We also discuss the action of Seiberg duality on these quivers, and explore the different Seiberg dual theories. We describe the relationship of these theories to five dimensional gauge theories on (p,q) 5-branes. Using the toric data, we specify some of the properties of the...

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R-charges from toric diagrams and the equivalence of a-maximization and Z-minimization

June 27, 2005

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Agostino Butti, Alberto Zaffaroni
High Energy Physics - Theory

We conjecture a general formula for assigning R-charges and multiplicities for the chiral fields of all gauge theories living on branes at toric singularities. We check that the central charge and the dimensions of all the chiral fields agree with the information on volumes that can be extracted from toric geometry. We also analytically check the equivalence between the volume minimization procedure discovered in hep-th/0503183 and a-maximization, for the most general toric d...

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Quiver DT Invariants and Log Gromov--Witten Theory of Toric Varieties

March 20, 2023

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Hülya Argüz
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics

We review how log Gromov--Witten invariants of toric varieties can be used to express quiver Donaldson--Thomas invariants in terms of the simpler attractor Donaldson--Thomas invariants. This is an exposition of joint work with Pierrick Bousseau.

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