March 27, 2016
We consider a two-dimensional scalar field theory with a nilpotent current algebra, which is dual to the Principal Chiral Model. The quantum theory is renormalizable and not asymptotically free: the theory is strongly coupled at short distances (encountering a Landau pole). We suggest it can serve as a toy model for $\lambda\phi^{4}$ theory in four dimensions, just as the principal chiral model is a useful toy model for Yang-Mills theory. We find some classical wave solutions...
December 20, 1994
Principal chiral models on a d-1 dimensional simplex are introduced and studied analytically in the large $N$ limit. The $d = 0, 2, 4$ and $\infty$ models are explicitly solved. Relationship with standard lattice models and with few-matrix systems in the double scaling limit are discussed.
November 15, 1993
I present the recent developments in a specific sub-field of chiral gauge theories on the lattice. This sub-field pertains to the use of infinitely many fermi fields to describe a single chiral field. In this approach, both anomalous and anomaly free theories can be discussed in equal footing. It produces the correct anomaly in the continuum limit. It has the potential to describe fermion number violating processes in the presence of a gauge field background with non-trivial ...
November 28, 2019
We initiate a systematic, non-perturbative study of the large-$N$ expansion in the two-dimensional $\text{SU}(N)\times \text{SU}(N)$ Principal Chiral Model (PCM). Starting with the known infinite-$N$ solution for the ground state at fixed chemical potential \cite{Fateev:1994dp,Fateev:1994ai}, we devise an iterative procedure to solve the Bethe ansatz equations order by order in $1/N$. The first few orders, which we explicitly compute, reveal a systematic enhancement pattern a...
January 25, 1994
Analytical and numerical methods are applied to principal chiral models on a two-dimensional lattice and their predictions are tested and compared. New techniques for the strong coupling expansion of SU(N) models are developed and applied to the evaluation of the two-point correlation function. The momentum-space lattice propagator is constructed with precision O(\beta^{10}) and an evaluation of the correlation length is obtained for several different definitions. Three-loop ...
May 25, 2000
We formulate the two-dimensional principal chiral model as a quantum spin model, replacing the classical fields by quantum operators acting in a Hilbert space, and introducing an additional, Euclidean time dimension. Using coherent state path integral techniques, we show that in the limit in which a large representation is chosen for the operators, the low energy excitations of the model describe a principal chiral model in three dimensions. By dimensional reduction, the two-...
May 12, 1994
The lattice model of principal chiral field interacting with the gauge fields, which have no kinetic term, is considered. This model can be regarded as a strong coupling limit of lattice gauge theory at finite temperature. The complete set of equations for collective field variables is derived in the large N limit and the phase structure of the model is studied.
November 22, 1993
Following some motivating comments on large N two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory, we discuss techniques for large N group representation theory, using quantum mechanics on the group manifold U(N), its equivalence to a quasirelativistic two-dimensional free fermion theory, and bosonization. As applications, we compute the free energy for two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on the torus to O(1/N^2), and an interesting approximation to the leading answer for the sphere. We discuss ...
September 30, 1991
We review various aspects of (infinite) quantum group symmetries in 2D massive quantum field theories. We discuss how these symmetries can be used to exactly solve the integrable models. A possible way for generalizing to three dimensions is shortly described.
March 28, 1996
The complete spectrum of states in the supersymmetric principal chiral model based on SU(n) is conjectured, and an exact factorizable S-matrix is proposed to describe scattering amongst these states. The SU(n)_L*SU(n)_R symmetry of the lagrangian is manifest in the S-matrix construction. The supersymmetries, on the other hand, are incorporated in the guise of spin-1/2 charges acting on a set of RSOS kinks associated with su(n) at level n. To test the proposed S-matrix, calcul...