ID: hep-th/9403099

Principal Chiral Field at Large N

March 17, 1994

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V. A. Fateev, V. A. Kazakov, P. B. Wiegmann
High Energy Physics - Theory

We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. The exact Gell-Mann - Low function exhibits the asymptotic freedom behaviour at large value of the field in agreement with perturbative calculations. Coefficients of the perturbative expansion in the renormalized charge are calculated. They grow factorially with the order showing the presence of renormalons. At small field we found an inverse logarithmic singularity in the ground state energy at the mass gap which indicates that at $N=\infty$ the spectrum of the theory contains extended objects rather then pointlike particles.

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2D Principal Chiral Field at Large N as a Possible Solvable 2D String Theory

February 27, 1995

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Vladimir A. Kazakov
High Energy Physics - Theory

We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. At small field we found an inverse logarithmic singularity in the ground state energy at the mass gap which indicates that at $N=\infty$ the spectrum of the theory contains extended objects rather than pointlike particles.

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Vladimir LPENS, Paris Kazakov, Evgeny LIMS, London and LPENS, Paris Sobko, Konstantin Nordita and Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm and Bohr Inst. Zarembo
High Energy Physics - Theory

We report the explicit solution for the vacuum state of the two-dimensional $SU(N)$ Principal Chiral Model at large-$N$ for an arbitrary set of chemical potentials and any interaction strength, a unique result of such kind for an asymptotically free QFT. The solution matches one-loop perturbative calculation at weak coupling, and in the opposite strong-coupling regime exhibits an emergent spacial dimension from the continuum limit of the $SU(N)$ Dynkin diagram.

A non perturbative approach of the principal chiral model between two and four dimensions

August 25, 1999

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M. Tissier, D. Mouhanna, B. Delamotte
Statistical Mechanics

We investigate the principal chiral model between two and four dimensions by means of a non perturbative Wilson-like renormalization group equation. We are thus able to follow the evolution of the effective coupling constants within this whole range of dimensions without having recourse to any kind of small parameter expansion. This allows us to identify its three dimensional critical physics and to solve the long-standing discrepancy between the different perturbative approa...

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Exact Zero Vacuum Energy in twisted SU(N) Principal Chiral Field

November 26, 2015

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Sebastien Leurent, Evgeny Sobko
Mathematical Physics

We present a finite set of equations for twisted PCF model. At the special twist in the root of unity we demonstrate that the vacuum energy is exactly zero at any size L. Also in SU(2) case we numerically calculate the energy of the single particle state with zero rapidity, as a function of L.

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Finite Size Spectrum of SU(N) Principal Chiral Field from Discrete Hirota Dynamics

July 11, 2010

82% Match
Vladimir Kazakov, Sebastien Leurent
High Energy Physics - Theory

Using recently proposed method of discrete Hirota dynamics for integrable (1+1)D quantum field theories on a finite space circle of length L, we derive and test numerically a finite system of nonlinear integral equations for the exact spectrum of energies of SU(N)xSU(N) principal chiral field model as functions of m L, where m is the mass scale. We propose a determinant solution of the underlying Y-system, or Hirota equation, in terms of determinants (Wronskians) of NxN matri...

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Operator Products in the SU($\infty$) Principal Chiral Model

January 20, 2024

82% Match
Peter Baruch College and Graduate Center, City University of New York Orland
Mathematical Physics

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Renormalons in integrable field theories

September 26, 2019

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Mathematical Physics

In integrable field theories in two dimensions, the Bethe ansatz can be used to compute exactly the ground state energy in the presence of an external field coupled to a conserved charge. We generalize previous results by Volin and we extract analytic results for the perturbative expansion of this observable, up to very high order, in various asymptotically free theories: the non-linear sigma model and its supersymmetric extension, the Gross--Neveu model, and the principal ch...

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From Principal Chiral Model to Self-dual Gravity

September 16, 1995

82% Match
Jerzy F. Plebanski, Maciej Przanowski, H. Garcia-Compean
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

It is demonstrated that the action of SU$(N)$ principal chiral model leads in the limit $N \to {\infty}$ to the action for Husain's heavenly equation. The principal chiral model in the Hilbert space $L^2(\Re^1)$ is considered and it is shown, that in this case the chiral equation is equivalent to the Moyal deformation of Husain's heavenly equation. New method of searching for solutions to this latter equation, via Lie algebra representations in $L^2(\Re^1)$ is given.

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Seeing asymptotic freedom in an exact correlator of a large-$N$ matrix field theory

October 9, 2014

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Peter Orland
Statistical Mechanics
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Exact expressions for correlation functions are known for the large-$N$ (planar) limit of the $(1+1)$-dimensional ${\rm SU}(N)\times {\rm SU}(N)$ principal chiral sigma model. These were obtained with the form-factor bootstrap, an entirely nonperturbative method. The large-$N$ solution of this asymptotically-free model is far less trivial than that of O($N$) sigma model (or other isovector models). Here we study the Euclidean two-point correlation function $N^{-1}< {\rm Tr}\,...

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The Integrable Bootstrap Program at Large N and its Applications in Gauge Theory

October 23, 2013

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Axel Cortes Cubero
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

We present results for the large-$N$ limit of the (1+1)-dimensional principal chiral sigma model. This is an asymptotically-free $N\times N$ matrix-valued field with massive excitations. All the form factors and the exact correlation functions of the Noether-current operator and the energy-momentum tensor are found, from Smirnov's form-factor axioms. We consider (2+1)-dimensional $SU(\infty)$ Yang-Mills theory as an array of principal chiral models with a current-current inte...

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