February 27, 1995
We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. At small field we found an inverse logarithmic singularity in the ground state energy at the mass gap which indicates that at $N=\infty$ the spectrum of the theory contains extended objects rather than pointlike particles.
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March 17, 1994
We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. The exact Gell-Mann - Low function exhibits the asymptotic freedom behaviour at large value of the field in agreement with perturbative calculations. Coefficients of the perturbative expansion in the renormalized charge are calculat...
December 8, 2023
We report the explicit solution for the vacuum state of the two-dimensional $SU(N)$ Principal Chiral Model at large-$N$ for an arbitrary set of chemical potentials and any interaction strength, a unique result of such kind for an asymptotically free QFT. The solution matches one-loop perturbative calculation at weak coupling, and in the opposite strong-coupling regime exhibits an emergent spacial dimension from the continuum limit of the $SU(N)$ Dynkin diagram.
September 16, 1995
It is demonstrated that the action of SU$(N)$ principal chiral model leads in the limit $N \to {\infty}$ to the action for Husain's heavenly equation. The principal chiral model in the Hilbert space $L^2(\Re^1)$ is considered and it is shown, that in this case the chiral equation is equivalent to the Moyal deformation of Husain's heavenly equation. New method of searching for solutions to this latter equation, via Lie algebra representations in $L^2(\Re^1)$ is given.
November 28, 2019
We initiate a systematic, non-perturbative study of the large-$N$ expansion in the two-dimensional $\text{SU}(N)\times \text{SU}(N)$ Principal Chiral Model (PCM). Starting with the known infinite-$N$ solution for the ground state at fixed chemical potential \cite{Fateev:1994dp,Fateev:1994ai}, we devise an iterative procedure to solve the Bethe ansatz equations order by order in $1/N$. The first few orders, which we explicitly compute, reveal a systematic enhancement pattern a...
November 26, 2015
We present a finite set of equations for twisted PCF model. At the special twist in the root of unity we demonstrate that the vacuum energy is exactly zero at any size L. Also in SU(2) case we numerically calculate the energy of the single particle state with zero rapidity, as a function of L.
September 30, 1991
We review various aspects of (infinite) quantum group symmetries in 2D massive quantum field theories. We discuss how these symmetries can be used to exactly solve the integrable models. A possible way for generalizing to three dimensions is shortly described.
July 11, 2010
Using recently proposed method of discrete Hirota dynamics for integrable (1+1)D quantum field theories on a finite space circle of length L, we derive and test numerically a finite system of nonlinear integral equations for the exact spectrum of energies of SU(N)xSU(N) principal chiral field model as functions of m L, where m is the mass scale. We propose a determinant solution of the underlying Y-system, or Hirota equation, in terms of determinants (Wronskians) of NxN matri...
August 25, 1999
We investigate the principal chiral model between two and four dimensions by means of a non perturbative Wilson-like renormalization group equation. We are thus able to follow the evolution of the effective coupling constants within this whole range of dimensions without having recourse to any kind of small parameter expansion. This allows us to identify its three dimensional critical physics and to solve the long-standing discrepancy between the different perturbative approa...
July 1, 1996
We study 2D non-linear sigma models on a group manifold with a special form of the metric. We address the question of integrability for this special class of sigma models. We derive two algebraic conditions for the metric on the group manifold. Each solution of these conditions defines an integrable model. Although the algebraic system is overdetermined in general, we give two examples of solutions. We find the Lax field for these models and calculate their Poisson brackets. ...
May 25, 2000
We formulate the two-dimensional principal chiral model as a quantum spin model, replacing the classical fields by quantum operators acting in a Hilbert space, and introducing an additional, Euclidean time dimension. Using coherent state path integral techniques, we show that in the limit in which a large representation is chosen for the operators, the low energy excitations of the model describe a principal chiral model in three dimensions. By dimensional reduction, the two-...