ID: hep-th/9509092

From Principal Chiral Model to Self-dual Gravity

September 16, 1995

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Jerzy F. Plebanski, Maciej Przanowski, H. Garcia-Compean
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

It is demonstrated that the action of SU$(N)$ principal chiral model leads in the limit $N \to {\infty}$ to the action for Husain's heavenly equation. The principal chiral model in the Hilbert space $L^2(\Re^1)$ is considered and it is shown, that in this case the chiral equation is equivalent to the Moyal deformation of Husain's heavenly equation. New method of searching for solutions to this latter equation, via Lie algebra representations in $L^2(\Re^1)$ is given.

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The Lagrangian of a Self-Dual Gravitational Field as a Limit of the SDYM Lagrangian

June 1, 1996

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Jerzy Plebanski, Maciej Przanowski
High Energy Physics - Theory

The action for the su(N) SDYM equations is shown to give in the limit $N \to \infty$ the action for the six-dimensional version of the second heavenly equation. The symmetry reductions of this latter equation to the well known equations of self-dual gravity are given. The Moyal deformation of the heavenly equations are also considered.

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Solutions in Self-Dual Gravity Constructed Via Chiral Equations

September 22, 1994

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H. CINVESTAV-Ipn, Mexico Garcia-Compean, T. CINVESTAV-Ipn, Mexico Matos
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

The chiral model for self-dual gravity given by Husain in the context of the chiral equations approach is discussed. A Lie algebra corresponding to a finite dimensional subgroup of the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms is found, and then use for expanding the Lie algebra valued connections associated with the chiral model. The self-dual metric can be explicitly given in terms of harmonic maps and in terms of a basis of this subalgebra.

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Vladimir LPENS, Paris Kazakov, Evgeny LIMS, London and LPENS, Paris Sobko, Konstantin Nordita and Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm and Bohr Inst. Zarembo
High Energy Physics - Theory

We report the explicit solution for the vacuum state of the two-dimensional $SU(N)$ Principal Chiral Model at large-$N$ for an arbitrary set of chemical potentials and any interaction strength, a unique result of such kind for an asymptotically free QFT. The solution matches one-loop perturbative calculation at weak coupling, and in the opposite strong-coupling regime exhibits an emergent spacial dimension from the continuum limit of the $SU(N)$ Dynkin diagram.

Self-dual gravity and the chiral model

February 9, 1994

85% Match
Viqar Husain
General Relativity and Quant...
High Energy Physics - Theory

The self-dual Einstein equation (SDE) is shown to be equivalent to the two dimensional chiral model, with gauge group chosen as the group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of a two dimensional surface. The approach given here leads to an analog of the Plebanski equations for general self-dual metrics, and to a natural Hamiltonian formulation of the SDE, namely that of the chiral model.

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2D Principal Chiral Field at Large N as a Possible Solvable 2D String Theory

February 27, 1995

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Vladimir A. Kazakov
High Energy Physics - Theory

We present the exact and explicit solution of the principal chiral field in two dimensions for an infinitely large rank group manifold. The energy of the ground state is explicitly found for the external Noether's fields of an arbitrary magnitude. At small field we found an inverse logarithmic singularity in the ground state energy at the mass gap which indicates that at $N=\infty$ the spectrum of the theory contains extended objects rather than pointlike particles.

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A Hopf Algebra Structure in Self-dual Gravity

October 21, 1994

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Hugo Garcia-Compean, Laura E. Morales, Jerzy F. Plebanski
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

The two-dimensional non-linear sigma model approach to Self-dual Yang-Mills theory and to Self-dual gravity given by Q-Han Park is an example of the deep interplay between two and four dimensional physics. In particular, Husain's two-dimensional chiral model approach to Self-dual gravity is studied. We show that the infinite hierarchy of conservation laws associated to the Husain model carries implicitly a hidden infinite Hopf algebra structure.

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$\ast$-SDYM fields and heavenly spaces: II. Reductions of the $\ast$-SDYM system

June 14, 2005

84% Match
Sebastian Formanski, Maciej Przanowski
Mathematical Physics

Reductions of self-dual Yang-Mills (SDYM) system for $\ast$-bracket Lie algebra to the Husain-Park (HP) heavenly equation and to $sl(N,{\boldmath{$C$})$ SDYM equation are given. An example of a sequence of $su(N)$ chiral fields ($N\geq 2$) tending for $N\to\infty$ to a curved heavenly space is found.

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The Affine symmetry of self-dual gravity

October 10, 1994

84% Match
Viqar Husain
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

Self-dual gravity may be reformulated as the two dimensional principal chiral model with the group of area preserving diffeomorphisms as its gauge group. Using this formulation, it is shown that self-dual gravity contains an infinite dimensional hidden symmetry whose generators form the Affine (Kac-Moody) algebra associated with the Lie algebra of area preserving diffeomorphisms. This result provides an observable algebra and a solution generating technique for self-dual grav...

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Integrable Chiral Theories in 2+1 Dimensions

May 15, 1998

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D. Gianzo, J. O. Madsen, J. Sanchez Guillen
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

Following a recent proposal for integrable theories in higher dimensions based on zero curvature, new Lorentz invariant submodels of the principal chiral model in 2+1 dimensions are found. They have infinite local conserved currents, which are explicitly given for the su(2) case. The construction works for any Lie algebra and in any dimension, and it is given explicitly also for su(3). We comment on the application to supersymmetric chiral models.

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Gauging the superconformal group with a graded dual operator

November 18, 2021

83% Match
P. D. Alvarez, R. A. Chavez, J. Zanelli
High Energy Physics - Theory

Based on the superconformal algebra we construct a dual operator that introduces a grading among bosonic generators independent of the boson/fermion grading of the superalgebra. This dual operator allows us to construct an action that is gauge invariant under the grading even bosonic generators. We provide a self-dual notion based on the dual operator. We use the definition of the dual operator to contruct a model with gauge invariance $SO(1,3)\times SU(N) \times U(1) \subset...

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