August 29, 2002
This paper continues the study of cluster algebras initiated in math.RT/0104151. Its main result is the complete classification of the cluster algebras of finite type, i.e., those with finitely many clusters. This classification turns out to be identical to the Cartan-Killing classification of semisimple Lie algebras and finite root systems, which is intriguing since in most cases, the symmetry exhibited by the Cartan-Killing type of a cluster algebra is not at all apparent from its geometric origin. The combinatorial structure behind a cluster algebra of finite type is captured by its cluster complex. We identify this complex as the normal fan of a generalized associahedron introduced and studied in hep-th/0111053 and math.CO/0202004. Another essential combinatorial ingredient of our arguments is a new characterization of the Dynkin diagrams.
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The paper is motivated by an analogy between cluster algebras and Kac-Moody algebras: both theories share the same classification of finite type objects by familiar Cartan-Killing types. However the underlying combinatorics beyond the two classifications is different: roughly speaking, Kac-Moody algebras are associated with (symmetrizable) Cartan matrices, while cluster algebras correspond to skew-symmetrizable matrices. We study an interplay between the two classes of matric...
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