July 14, 2015
Cluster algebras are a recent topic of study and have been shown to be a useful tool to characterize structures in several knowledge fields. An important problem is to establish whether or not a given cluster algebra is of finite type. Using the standard definition, the problem is infeasible since it uses mutations that can lead to an infinite process. Barot, Geiss and Zelevinsky (2006) presented an easier way to verify if a given algebra is of finite type, by testing that al...
February 13, 2005
This is an extended abstract of my talk at the Oberwolfach-Workshop "Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras" (February 6 - 12, 2005). It gives self-contained and simplified definitions of quantum cluster algebras introduced and studied in a joint work with A.Berenstein (math.QA/0404446).
December 25, 2017
We study the realization of acyclic cluster algebras as coordinate rings of Coxeter double Bruhat cells in Kac-Moody groups. We prove that all cluster monomials with g-vector lying in the doubled Cambrian fan are restrictions of principal generalized minors. As a corollary, cluster algebras of finite and affine type admit a complete and non-recursive description via (ind-)algebraic group representations, in a way similar in spirit to the Caldero-Chapoton description via quive...
October 20, 2005
We show how a cluster-tilted algebra of finite representation type is related to the corresponding tilted algebra, in the case of algebras defined over an algebraically closed field.
November 11, 2008
In 2003, Fomin and Zelevinsky obtained Cartan-Killing type classification of all cluster algebras of finite type, i.e. cluster algebras having only finitely many distinct cluster variables. A wider class of cluster algebras is formed by cluster algebras of finite mutation type which have finitely many exchange matrices (but are allowed to have infinitely many cluster variables). In this paper we classify all cluster algebras of finite mutation type with skew-symmetric exchang...
August 28, 2012
We survey some recent constructions of cluster algebra structures on coordinate rings of unipotent subgroups and unipotent cells of Kac-Moody groups. We also review a quantized version of these results.
April 13, 2001
In an attempt to create an algebraic framework for dual canonical bases and total positivity in semisimple groups, we initiate the study of a new class of commutative algebras.
December 29, 2021
In the present paper we examine the relationship between several type $A$ cluster theories and structures. We define a 2D geometric model of a cluster theory, which generalizes cluster algebras from surfaces, and encode several existing type $A$ cluster theories into a 2D geometric model. We review two other cluster theories of type $A$. Then we introduce an abstraction of cluster structures. We prove two results: the first relates several existing type $A$ cluster theories a...
October 4, 2012
The article gives a ring theoretic perspective on cluster algebras. Gei{\ss}-Leclerc-Schr\"oer prove that all cluster variables in a cluster algebra are irreducible elements. Furthermore, they provide two necessary conditions for a cluster algebra to be a unique factorization domain, namely the irreducibility and the coprimality of the initial exchange polynomials. We present a sufficient condition for a cluster algebra to be a unique factorization domain in terms of primar...
June 13, 2011
We give a new simple description of the canonical bijection between the set of triangulations of n-gon and some set of Young diagrams. Using this description, we find flip transformations on this set of Young diagrams which correspond to the edges of the associahedron. This construction is generalized on the set of all Young diagrams and the corresponding infinite-dimensional associahedron is defined. We consider its relation to the properly defined infinite-type version of t...