ID: math/0403015

Amoebas of algebraic varieties and tropical geometry

February 29, 2004

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Grigory Mikhalkin
Algebraic Geometry
Geometric Topology
Symplectic Geometry

This survey consists of two parts. Part 1 is devoted to amoebas. These are images of algebraic subvarieties in the complex torus under the logarithmic moment map. The amoebas have essentially piecewise-linear shape if viewed at large. Furthermore, they degenerate to certain piecewise-linear objects called tropical varieties whose behavior is governed by algebraic geometry over the so-called tropical semifield. Geometric aspects of tropical algebraic geometry are the content of Part 2. We pay special attention to tropical curves. Both parts also include relevant applications of the theories. Part 1 of this survey is a revised and updated version of an earlier prepreint of 2001.

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