ID: math/0403015

Amoebas of algebraic varieties and tropical geometry

February 29, 2004

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On the total curvature of tropical hypersurfaces

March 21, 2013

88% Match
Benoît Bertrand, Medrano Lucía López de, Jean-Jacques Risler
Algebraic Geometry

This paper studies the curvatures of amoebas and real amoebas (i.e. essentially logarithmic curvatures of the complex and real parts of a real algebraic hypersurface) and of tropical and real tropical hypersurfaces. If V is a tropical hypersurface defined over the field of real Puiseux series, it has a real part RV which is a polyhedral complex. We define the total curvature of V (resp. RV) by using the total curvature of Amoebas and passing to the limit. We also define t...

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Tropical methods in the moduli theory of algebraic curves

June 1, 2016

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Lucia Caporaso
Algebraic Geometry

In recent years a series of remarkable advances in tropical geometry and in non-archimedean geometry have brought new insights to the moduli theory of algebraic curves and their Jacobians. The goal of this survey, an expanded version of my talks at the 2015 AMS symposium in algebraic geometry and at AGNES 2016, is to present some of the results in this area.

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An introduction to computational aspects of polynomial amoebas -- a survey

May 1, 2023

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Vitaly A. Krasikov
Complex Variables

This article is a survey on the topic of polynomial amoebas. We review results of papers written on the topic with an emphasis on its computational aspects. Polynomial amoebas have numerous applications in various domains of mathematics and physics. Computation of the amoeba for a given polynomial and describing its properties is in general a problem of high complexity. We overview existing algorithms for computing and depicting amoebas and geometrical objects associated with...

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Introduction to tropical algebraic geometry

July 9, 2012

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Diane Maclagan
Algebraic Geometry

This is an expository introduction to tropical algebraic geometry based on my lectures at the Workshop on Tropical Geometry and Integrable Systems in Glasgow, July 4-8, 2011, and at the ELGA 2011 school on Algebraic Geometry and Applications in Buenos Aires, August 1-5, 2011.

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Gr\"obner theory and tropical geometry on spherical varieties

November 6, 2016

87% Match
Kiumars Kaveh, Christopher Manon
Algebraic Geometry

Let $G$ be a connected reductive algebraic group. We develop a Gr\"obner theory for multiplicity-free $G$-algebras, as well as a tropical geometry for subschemes in a spherical homogeneous space $G/H$. We define the notion of a spherical tropical variety and prove a fundamental theorem of tropical geometry in this context. We also propose a definition for a spherical amoeba in $G/H$. Our work partly builds on the previous work of Vogiannou on spherical tropicalization and in ...

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Real algebraic curves, the moment map and amoebas

October 2, 2000

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G. Mikhalkin
Algebraic Geometry

In this paper we prove the topological uniqueness of maximal arrangements of a real plane algebraic curve with respect to three lines. More generally, we prove the topological uniqueness of a maximally arranged algebraic curve on a real toric surface. We use the moment map as a tool for studying the topology of real algebraic curves and their complexifications.

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Computing tropical curves via homotopy continuation

August 13, 2014

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Anders Jensen, Anton Leykin, Josephine Yu
Algebraic Geometry

Exploiting a connection between amoebas and tropical curves, we devise a method for computing tropical curves using numerical algebraic geometry and give an implementation. As an application, we use this technique to compute Newton polygons of $A$-polynomials of knots.

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Tropical Geometry and its applications

January 3, 2006

86% Match
Grigory Mikhalkin
Algebraic Geometry

These notes outline some basic notions of Tropical Geometry and survey some of its applications for problems in classical (real and complex) geometry. To appear in the Proceedings of the Madrid ICM.

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Non-Archimedean coamoebae

October 5, 2011

86% Match
Mounir Nisse, Frank Sottile
Algebraic Geometry
Complex Variables

A coamoeba is the image of a subvariety of a complex torus under the argument map to the real torus. Similarly, a non-archimedean coamoeba is the image of a subvariety of a torus over a non-archimedean field with complex residue field under an argument map. The phase tropical variety is the closure of the image under the pair of maps, tropicalization and argument. We describe the structure of non-archimedean coamoebae and phaseropical varieties in terms of complex coamoebae a...

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Counting Algebraic Curves with Tropical Geometry

June 9, 2012

86% Match
Florian Block
Algebraic Geometry

Tropical geometry is a piecewise linear "shadow" of algebraic geometry. It allows for the computation of several cohomological invariants of an algebraic variety. In particular, its application to enumerative algebraic geometry led to significant progress. In this survey, we give an introduction to tropical geometry techniques for algebraic curve counting problems. We also survey some recent developments, with a particular emphasis on the computation of the degree of the Se...

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