November 8, 2005
We give formulae relating the value of an irreducible character of a classical group at a matrix to entries of powers of the matrix. This yields a far-reaching generalization of a result of J. L. Cisneros-Molina concerning the $GL_2$ case.
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November 17, 2010
Expanding products of invariant functions of a group element as a series in the basis of characters of the irreducible representations of a group is widely used in many areas of physics and related fields. In this contribution a formula to generate such expansions and its various applications are briefly reviewed.
November 3, 2008
This paper is concerned with integrals which integrands are the monomials of matrix elements of irreducible representations of classical groups. Based on analysis on Young tableaux, we discuss some related duality theorems and compute the asymptotics of the group integrals when the signatures of the irreducible representations are fixed, as the rank of the classical groups go to infinity. These group integrals have physical origins in quantum mechanics, quantum information th...
February 25, 2014
In this paper we study the Frobenius characters of the invariant subspaces of the tensor powers of a representation V. The main result is a formula for these characters for a polynomial functor of V involving the characters for V. The main application is to representations V for which these characters are known. The best understood case is for V the vector representation of a symplectic group or special linear group. Other cases where there are some related results are the de...
April 1, 2017
In this paper I present a new and unified method of proving character formulas for discrete series representations of connected Lie groups by applying a Chern character-type construction to the matrix factorizations of [FT] and [FHT3]. In the case of a compact group I recover the Kirillov formula, thereby exhibiting the work of [FT] as a categorification of the Kirillov correspondence. In the case of a real semisimple group I recover the Rossman character formula with only a ...
August 4, 2000
It is known that characters of irreducible representations of finite Lie algebras can be obtained using theWeyl character formula including Weyl group summations which make actual calculations almost impossible except for a few Lie algebras of lower rank. By starting from the Weyl character formula, we show that these characters can be re-expressed without referring to Weyl group summations. Some useful technical points are given in detail for the instructive example of G2 Li...
October 24, 2021
This text is an extended version of the lecture notes for a course on representation theory of finite groups that was given by the authors during several years for graduate and postgraduate students of Novosibirsk State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.
January 15, 2012
This paper gives a plethysm formula on the characteristic map of the induced linear characters from the unipotent upper-triangular matrices $U_n(\mathbb F_q)$ to $GL_n(\mathbb F_q)$, the general linear group over finite field $\mathbb F_q$. The result turns out to be a multiple of a twisted version of the Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions $\tilde{P}_n(Y,q)$. A recurrence relation is also given which makes it easy to carry out the computation.
May 14, 2018
In an earlier paper [1] it was shown that the Frobenius compound characters for the symmetric groups are related to the irreducible characters by a linear relation that involves a unitriagular coupling matrix that gives the Frobenius characters in terms of linear combinations of the irreducible characters. It is desirable to invert this relationship since we have formulas for the Frobenius characters and want the values for the irreducible characters. This inversion is straig...
December 9, 1997
This paper defines and develops cycle indices for the finite classical groups. These tools are then applied to study properties of a random matrix chosen uniformly from one of these groups. Properties studied by this technique will include semisimplicity, regularity, regular semisimplicity, the characteristic polynomial, number of Jordan blocks, and average order of a matrix.
February 22, 2022
For an integer $M\geq 2$ and a finite group $G$, an element $\alpha\in G$ is called an $M$-th power if it satisfies $A^M=\alpha$ for some $A\in G$. In this article, we will deal with the case when $G$ is finite symplectic or orthogonal group over a field of order $q$. We introduce the notion of $M^*$-power SRIM polynomials. This, amalgamated with the concept of $M$-power polynomial, we provide the complete classification of the conjugacy classes of regular semisimple, semisim...