ID: math/0511199

Character formulae for classical groups

November 8, 2005

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A character relationship on $GL_n$

February 22, 2014

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Dipendra Prasad
Representation Theory

In this paper we consider the character of a finite dimensional algebraic representation of $GL_{mn}({\mathbb C})$ restricted to a particular disconnected component of the normalizer of the Levi subgroup $GL_m({\mathbb C})^n$ of $GL_{mn}(\mathbb C)$, generalizing a theorem of Kostant on the character values at the Coxeter element.

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Generalized Green functions and unipotent classes for finite reductive groups, III

April 10, 2020

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Toshiaki Shoji
Representation Theory

Lusztig's algorithm of computing generalized Green functions of reductive groups involves an ambiguity of certain scalars. In this paper, for reductive groups of classical type with arbitrary characteristic, we determine those scalars explicitly, and eliminate the ambiguity. Our results imply that all the generalized Green functions of classical type are computable.

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Shifted Schur functions II. Binomial formula for characters of classical groups and applications

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Andrei Okounkov, Grigori Olshanski
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Let G be any of the complex classical groups GL(n), SO(2n+1), Sp(2n), O(2n), let g denote the Lie algebra of G, and let Z(g) denote the subalgebra of G-invariants in the universal enveloping algebra U(g). We derive a Taylor-type expansion for finite-dimensional characters of G (binomial formula) and use it to specify a distinguished linear basis in Z(g). The eigenvalues of the basis elements in highest weight g-modules are certain shifted (or factorial) analogs of Schur funct...

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A Murnaghan--Nakayama rule for values of unipotent characters in classical groups

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Radial Laplacian on rotation groups

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Pierre Degond
Analysis of PDEs

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A Note on the Symmetric Powers of the Standard Representation of S_n

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Representation Theory

In this paper, we prove that the dimension of the space spanned by the characters of the symmetric powers of the standard n-dimensional representation of the symmetric group S_n is asymptotic to n^2/2. This is proved by using generating functions to obtain formulas for upper and lower bounds, both asymptotic to n^2/2, for this dimension. In particular, for n>6, these characters do not span the full space of class functions on S_n.

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Computational Modular Character Theory

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Gerhard Hiss, Christoph Jansen, ... , Parker Richard
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This book describes some computational methods to deal with modular characters of finite groups. It is the theoretical background of the MOC system of the same authors. This system was, and is still used, to compute the modular character tables of sporadic simple groups.

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Cauchy Identities for the Characters of the Compact Classical Groups

October 14, 2016

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Amir Sepehri
Representation Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Motivated by statistical applications, this paper introduces Cauchy identities for characters of the compact classical groups. These identities generalize the well-known Cauchy identity for characters of the unitary group, which are Schur functions of symmetric function theory. Application to statistical hypothesis testing is briefly sketched.

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Almost cyclic elements in Weil representations of finite classical groups

December 7, 2016

84% Match
Martino L. Di, A. E. Zalesski
Group Theory

This paper is a significant part of a general project aimed to classify all irreducible representations of finite quasi-simple groups over an algebraically closed field, in which the image of at least one element is represented by an almost cyclic matrix. (A square matrix $M$ is called almost cyclic if it is similar to a block-diagonal matrix with two blocks, such that one block is scalar and another block is a matrix whose minimum and characteristic polynomials coincide. Ref...

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Generalized Green functions and unipotent classes for finite reductive groups, II

November 14, 2006

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Toshiaki Shoji
Representation Theory

In a previous paper, "Generalized Green functions and unipotent classes for finite reductive groups, I", we have determined certain unknown scalars involved in the algorithm of computing generalized Green functions in the case of SL_n. In this paper, we consider a similar problem for the case of classical groups Sp_{2n}, SO_N with arbitrary characteristic. Our result enables us, in particular, to compute Green functions in bad characteristic case, which was not known before.

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