ID: math/9812047

The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues, II

December 8, 1998

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P. Kurlberg
Number Theory

We study the distribution of spacings between squares modulo q as the number of prime divisors of q tends to infinity. In an earlier paper Kurlberg and Rudnick proved that the spacing distribution for square free q is Poissonian, this paper extends the result to arbitrary q.

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The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues

December 8, 1998

95% Match
P. Kurlberg, Z. Rudnick
Number Theory
Mathematical Physics

We study the distribution of spacings between squares modulo q, where q is square-free and highly composite, in the limit as the number of prime factors of q goes to infinity. We show that all correlation functions are Poissonian, which among other things, implies that the spacings between nearest neighbors, normalized to have unit mean, have an exponential distribution.

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Poisson spacing statistics for value sets of polynomials

February 28, 2006

89% Match
P. Kurlberg
Number Theory

If f is a polynomial with integer coefficients and q is an integer, we may regard f as a map from Z/qZ to Z/qZ. We show that the distribution of the (normalized) spacings between consecutive elements in the image of these maps becomes Poissonian as q tends to infinity along any sequence of square free integers such that the mean spacing modulo q tends to infinity.

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The distribution of spacings between the fractional parts of $n^2 \alpha$

February 17, 2000

88% Match
Zeev Rudnick, Peter Sarnak, Alexandru Zaharescu
Number Theory
Mathematical Physics

We study the distribution of normalized spacings between the fractional parts of an^2, n=1,2,.... We conjecture that if a is "badly approximable" by rationals, then the sequence of fractional parts has Poisson spacings, and give a number of results towards this conjecture. We also present an example of a Diophantine number a for which the higher correlation functions of the sequence blow up.

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

In our paper, we apply additive-combinatorial methods to study the distribution of the set of squares $\mathcal{R}$ in the prime field. We obtain the best upper bound on the number of gaps in $\mathcal{R}$ at the moment and generalize this result for sets with small doubling.

Poisson statistics via the Chinese remainder theorem

December 7, 2004

87% Match
A. Granville, P. Kurlberg
Number Theory

We consider the distribution of spacings between consecutive elements in subsets of Z/qZ where q is highly composite and the subsets are defined via the Chinese remainder theorem. We give a sufficient criterion for the spacing distribution to be Poissonian as the number of prime factors of q tends to infinity, and as an application we show that the value set of a generic polynomial modulo q have Poisson spacings. We also study the spacings of subsets of Z/q_1q_2Z that are cre...

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Distribution of squares modulo a composite number

February 17, 2015

87% Match
Farzad Aryan
Number Theory

In this paper we study the distribution of squares modulo a square-free number $q$. We also look at inverse questions for the large sieve in the distribution aspect and we make improvements on existing results on the distribution of $s$-tuples of reduced residues.

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On the distribution of squarefree integers in arithmetic progressions

November 10, 2014

87% Match
Pierre Le Boudec
Number Theory

We investigate the error term of the asymptotic formula for the number of squarefree integers up to some bound, and lying in some arithmetic progression a (mod q). In particular, we prove an upper bound for its variance as a varies over $(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$ which considerably improves upon earlier work of Blomer.

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On the distribution of r-tuples of squarefree numbers in short intervals

May 16, 2005

87% Match
Doychin Tolev
Number Theory

We cosider the number of r-tuples of squarefree numbers in a short interval. We prove that it cannot be much bigger than the expected value and we also estabish an asymptotic formula if the interval is not very short.

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Sum of Two Squares - Pair Correlation and Distribution in Short Intervals

August 12, 2012

86% Match
Yotam Smilansky
Number Theory

In this work we show that based on a conjecture for the pair correlation of integers representable as sums of two squares, which was first suggested by Connors and Keating and reformulated here, the second moment of the distribution of the number of representable integers in short intervals is consistent with a Poissonian distribution, where "short" means of length comparable to the mean spacing between sums of two squares. In addition we present a method for producing such c...

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The variance of the number of sums of two squares in $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$ in short intervals

October 14, 2018

86% Match
Ofir Gorodetsky, Brad Rodgers
Number Theory

Consider the number of integers in a short interval that can be represented as a sum of two squares. What is an estimate for the variance of these counts over random short intervals? We resolve a function field variant of this problem in the large $q$ limit, finding a connection to the $z$-measures first investigated in the context of harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group. A similar connection to $z$-measures is established for sums over short intervals of the div...

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