ID: math/9812047

The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues, II

December 8, 1998

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The distribution of spacings between the fractional parts of $\boldsymbol{n^d\alpha}$

April 10, 2020

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Martino Fassina, Sun Kim, Alexandru Zaharescu
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We study the distribution of spacings between the fractional parts of $n^d\alpha$. For $\alpha$ of high enough Diophantine type we prove a necessary and sufficient condition for $n^d\alpha\mod 1, 1\leq n\leq N,$ to be Poissonian as $N\to \infty$ along a suitable subsequence.

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Mean Values for a Class of Arithmetic Functions in Short Intervals

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Jie UPVM Wu, Qiang UPVM Wu
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In this paper, we shall establish a rather general asymptotic formula in short intervals for a classe of arithmetic functions and announce two applications about the distribution of divisors of square-full numbers and integers representable as sums of two squares.

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On square-free numbers generated from given sets of primes II

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Gábor Román
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Distribution of Values of Real Quadratic Zeta Functions

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Joshua Holden
Number Theory
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The author has previously extended the theory of regular and irregular primes to the setting of arbitrary totally real number fields. It has been conjectured that the Bernoulli numbers, or alternatively the values of the Riemann zeta function at odd negative integers, are evenly distributed modulo p for every p. This is the basis of a well-known heuristic, given by Siegel, for estimating the frequency of irregular primes. So far, analyses have shown that if Q(\sqrt{D}) is a r...

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On the distribution of the divisor function and Hecke eigenvalues

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We investigate the behavior of the divisor function in both short intervals and in arithmetic progressions. The latter problem was recently studied by \'E. Fouvry, S. Ganguly, E. Kowalski, and Ph. Michel. We prove a complementary result to their main theorem. We also show that in short intervals of certain lengths the divisor function has a Gaussian limiting distribution. The analogous problems for Hecke eigenvalues are also considered.

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Short interval results for certain prime-independent multiplicative functions

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Olivier Bordellès
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Using recent results from the theory of integer points close to smooth curves, we give an asymptotic formula for the distribution of values of a class of integer-valued prime-independent multiplicative functions.

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Squarefree density of polynomials

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J. M. Kowalski, R. C Vaughan
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Multiplicative functions in short intervals II

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Kaisa Matomäki, Maksym Radziwiłł
Number Theory

We determine the behavior of multiplicative functions vanishing at a positive proportion of prime numbers in almost all short intervals. Furthermore we quantify "almost all" with uniform power-saving upper bounds, that is, we save a power of the suitably normalized length of the interval regardless of how long or short the interval is. Such power-saving bounds are new even in the special case of the M\"obius function. These general results are motivated by several application...

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Primes in Quadratic Progressions on Average

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Number Theory

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